Narcissistic Control & The Deep Dark Root of Insecurity

2 months ago

Narcissistic controllers aren't born but are bred through the ranks of a family structure where they themselves have been controlled & taken advantage of. The narcissist almost always learns this behavior from someone doing it to them. A woman who has a dominating mother will follow the example modeled before her or a man might duplicate the behavior of his controlling father. Instead of breaking generational curses, they have decided to pass down the same torment they received. They choose to mirror the exact same behavior and end up starting families, enacting the same behaviors they once despised & decide to terrorize their own children or spouse. These are choices and the narcissist knows what they do; they know there's something wrong with them. Don't fall into the pity party trap because that's part of the control.

If they were called by God, they would've been given the tools necessary to go on a path of repentance & curse breaking. But they were destined to have their conscience seared & their souls turned over to the evil powers that be into complete darkness. Before they were formed in the womb, God knew they would choose the path of bitter destruction. It is the destiny they chose and there's nothing you can do to reverse that. We all were traumatized to some degree, but you still chose to repent, because we're all sinners, but what you did was follow God, and learned to love even more. You didn't choose to manipulate, dominate, Intimidate everyone else around you because of what happened to you. You didn't choose to take your pain out on everyone else. And this is what separates the narcissist from a child of God. Never feel bad for them.

A controlling woman's spirit, in full maturity, is in total rebellion against God & it'll be easy for you to discern. The narcissist tries to turn everything into the opposite of what God intended it to be. The Jezebel principality resents men so much that is ultimately identifies God as the cause for putting men over women. It hates all order that God has ordained, and Jezebel in its fullest expression tries to make men into women. And that's what we see in our culture today is Jezebel running rampant, going unchecked by the church & this is what happens. She likes to humiliate men and tries to turn men into homosexuals, turn men into women, getting them to display a lack of masculinity, having an effeminate voice and so on. You see the result in our culture, there is a fully manifest jezebel spirit at work. And this is what happens when you tolerate Jezebel on a macro level.

Deep insecurity lies at the root of the narcissist and it is the deepest root cause of anger, bitterness, resentment, jealousy, fear, and the need to be right all the time. People plagues with insecurity carry a heavy sense of rejection & as a result excessively seek attention & approval. The narcissist find their feelings of inadequacy to be intolerable so they do these mental flip-flops & change it into a sense of pride and superiority. Over time their twisted pride runs deeper & deeper until their entire soul is consumed with this fallacy that they so desperately want to believe. This person who once felt so deeply inferior, now in a perverted way, feels superior to everyone. And now they have to convince everyone else around them of this, because once people start perpetuating the lie for them, they can start to believe in it themselves. The goal is to believe in their own lie. They want to fool themselves.

Their controlling behavior often begins at a young age, especially if that child is not disciplined. Then it develops into a lifestyle, habits become strongholds, strongholds are built by demons, and when those malevolent forces are housed up in their for so long without repentance, that's how consciousness become seared and there's no return. That's why it's so rare to see those with a controlling narcissistic spirit totally delivered. to repent would be to lose control. the opposite of what the narcissist embodies. Controlling has become such a part of their nature that it literally becomes a part of their personality. When you have demons fused into your personality, there is no coming back from that. That's why it's called a personality disorder & there is no cure. Simply put, one cannot cast out a personality. Those controlling manipulative spirits are so deeply embedded in there, they become linked to identity and that's when you're consumed into depravity, a reprobated mind. This is what people need to understand. You don't pray for these. and you can't love the evil out of them because that is what they are to the core. It's irreversible. There's nothing you or anybody else can do for them. They no longer have the capacity to help themselves and it's been that way for a long time. They were gone a long time ago. And this is why deliverance will never come for the narcissist.

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