Who Do You Want Leading You To Freedom?

2 months ago

What exactly IS government in 2024?
Fake. Fraud. Corporations. Demonic. Tyranny.

Many blast me for being insensitive, lacking empathy, etc.

We are in war with:
Good vs Evil
Freedom vs Communism
Sovereignty vs Slavery
Living wo/man vs Commercialized Legal Entities!

Listen to this clip.
Who would you want leading you to the promised land?

Mediocre nice guys????

We are literally warring against the demonic!

So while the pathetic are judging me,
The warriors are JOINING ME.

You don't see my generosity and kindness because I don't need a public pat on my back.

My arm reaches all the around to pay myself! 🤣
I know who I am.

I will not EVER bend over to the government, civil servants, police officers, etc.

If you want the intellectual armor to be like US,
Then join US.

Join https://Inalienable.University

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