Are Black Men Centering Black Women TOO MUCH?

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The current focus on the 4B Movement, where the premise is that women "center" men too much and needs to be dialed back, is on its face a powerful one; but, as we learned in yesterday's live show, when it comes to Black America, that premise is wanting. Indeed and if anything a powerful argument can be made that it is Black MEN who "center" Black WOMEN - and do so to an extreme, grotesque degree, at that. Why is this; why does this state of affairs exist, and persist? Some would say that this is the inevitable result of some three generations of Black men and counting having been raised not only by single mothers but entire matriarchal communities in the present day Black community; can we be surprised that so many Black men center the thoughts, opinions and views of Black women so very much? Others might argue that this state of affairs is a positive thing; that it might even be a rebuke to Eurocentric notions of Patriarchy - but while that sounds good in theory, it leaves a lot to be desired in actual practice. Why do Black men center Black women, and what will it take for them to pull back from so an extreme focus on the Black feminine? We'll talk about it TODAY ONLY ON RUMBLE!

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