“Seen and Unseen: Walking by Faith, Not by Sight” (2 Corinthians 4-5:10)

3 months ago

⛅ Good morning! ⛅

“Seen and Unseen: Walking by Faith, Not by Sight” (2 Corinthians 4-5:10):

Bible Study: Second Corinthians, Chapter 4- Time 0:00
Jared, a speaker, welcomed everyone back and led a prayer, invoking the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He then began a Bible study, focusing on Second Corinthians, Chapters 4 -5:10. The discussion covered topics such as Paul's faithfulness to the Gospel, the power of an apostle, seeing the unseen, the hope of the resurrection, and an asystolic motivation. Jared emphasized the importance of fearing and loving God. He also mentioned the true definition of a minister as someone who serves another's will. The conversation ended with Jared preparing to share a screen for further discussion.

Paul's Apostleship and Spiritual Growth- Time 2:10
Jared discussed the challenges Paul faced in his apostleship and responsibility for all the churches, emphasizing that despite these difficulties, Paul did not lose heart. He highlighted the importance of preaching Christ Jesus the Lord and not glorifying oneself. Jared also discussed the concept of salvation in Christ, which includes passing from death to life, from darkness to light, through repentance, faith, and baptism. He further explained the spiritual growth and maturity process and the promise of eternal life. Jared concluded by emphasizing the importance of looking beyond the temporary and focusing on the infinite as part of our inner renewal in Christ.

Resurrection, Faith, and Judgment Discussed- Time 12:30
Jared discussed the concept of hope in the resurrection and faith in the Holy Trinity, emphasizing the importance of the resurrection in overcoming the fear of death. He explained that the soul is naked when it departs the body, but it will be clothed with a glorified body in heaven. Jared also highlighted the role of God in preparing believers for the resurrection and the importance of faith in guiding behavior. He concluded by discussing the judgment, stating that believers and unbelievers will stand before Christ to be judged according to their actions.

Second Corinthians Discussion and Prayer- Time 17:15
Jared led a discussion on Second Corinthians, chapter 4, and half of chapter 5. He plans to finish chapter 5 and move into chapter 6 in the next session. He ended the conversation with a prayer, invoking the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and ended with a blessing and a farewell.

In Christ, love ❤️ Jared W Campbell

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