Putin rightly reminds Germany of its own sovereignty - the Nazi EU project is doomed

3 months ago

Russia are the good guys, if only people would switch off their beloved Tell-a-Visions. Russia is the last bastion of Christianity, The Popes (there's three, white, black, and grey) and The Vatican are NOT Christian, their objective has always been to destroy Christianity, how many more satanic pedophiles does it take to convince you that "religions" and their Churches, Sin-a-Gogs, etc are manmade constructs to divide and conquer and justify perpetual wars. The Khazarian Mafia, the Jesuits, the Freemasons are the filth, or at least part of it. Russia was the target prior to the installation of World Communism that rode on the back of the Covid genocide and the killer "vaccine", which is a genetic bioweapon. The EU was a Nazi project from long ago, it's done, exposed for what it is and what it always has been, one of the ten states of the New World Order.

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