Nicole Shanahan: Recognizing COVID Vaccine Risks Could Save Lives

2 months ago

12/03/2024 Nicole Shanahan: If we are still hung up on the narrative that mRNA vaccines are both safe and effective, the message about post-(COVID)vaccination interventions will not get through. If more members of the government are bold enough to come out and say I was wrong, we can save more lives now.
#mRNA #COVIDVaccine #ImmuneDysregulation #SpikeProtein #NicoleShanahan
12/03/2024 妮可·沙纳汉:如果我们还执着于mRNA疫苗既安全又有效的说法,关于新冠疫苗接种后的干预措施等信息就无法传达出去。如果有更多政府成员足够勇敢地站出来承认当初的错误,我们现在能挽救更多人的生命。
#新冠疫苗 #免疫失调 #刺突蛋白 #妮可·沙纳汉

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