Opening A Portal For Clif High’s Aliens To Enter Then Land At A Stadium Near You

3 months ago

Opening A Portal For Clif High’s Aliens To Enter Then Land At A Stadium Near You

This is, in my humble opinion, this maybe two of Clif High’s “way to high data sets.”
I would advise to just pay attention.

Don’t buy into everything he is saying just listen to know if this is WW 2 the Nazis just attacked Poland in September 1939.

We would not be drawn, on purpose, into Second World War for about another 18 Months

Here we maybe drawn into rough waters later this month and before Christmas.

Trump already offered Canada to become the 51st State
And Justin can stay on as Governor that is until Trump fires him.

Remember: the old adage?
If they can give it to you[tHey] can take it away

Doing a little Trolling
I am in favor of using the term [tHey] for aliens or demons in my opinion because [tHey] will share DNA with us because [tHey] are Cains.

A Chimera, half Huemans and half Draconian lizard. [tHey]

Talk about use of PRONOUNS. 👇🏾👇🏻
HERE are a couple of interesting recordings today by Clif High on the accelerating ‘alien invasion’…CONVASION ……and “HELLO CHROMIES”
I was in favor of calling them [tHey] because they are a Chimera. Half Hueman and half Draconian lizard.
The Dragon Families of China are backing 7 regions until continents can establish rule of law in their area.

North and Central Americas will one region

That’s why Trump offered Trudeau to be Governor and the same has already offered to the woman President of Mexico (sorry don’t know her name yet)

She was clearly using feminine language when she answered publicly. Saying he was so handsome.

You got me babe kinda of language

You Got Me Babe
Sonny & Cher
Does anyone else notice she looks as the same as she does now. It must be the exclusive club she belongs too.

Tell me if you think I’m wrong.

Mexico becomes 52nd State
And Australia, because they despise England
Australia will become our 53 State
Bold I know but there you are. 👇🏾👇🏼
Benjamin Fulford Q&A November 29, 2024
Patriots Base
I think Trump takes control of the Republic before Christmas.
Brunson - SCOTUS
It is the TRUMP CARD - King for a day, a month, 90, 120 days until new elections can be held

However much time as he needs to clean the country of pedophiles.

I don’t see any other option for Trump to play.

It has been reported that SCOTUS has already ruled on this case

Again we shall see


Appreciate Y’all

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