Flashback: Leslie Stahl Laughed When Trump Talked About Hunter's Crimes (Wonder What She'd Say Now?)

3 months ago

Posted • December 3, 2024: We really don't despise the media enough. Over the weekend, when President Joe Biden pardoned Hunter Biden for 'any and all' crimes during a ten-year period, the same media who said that Biden would never do such a thing changed their tune right quick. They also spent years calling the Hunter Biden crime stories 'misinformation' and 'discredited' in an effort to dismiss the claims and absolve themselves of doing actual journalism. And now they pretend like none of that happened. But we cannot let them get away with it so easily. Here's Leslie Stahl, for example: Remember when Trump tied to bring up Hunter Biden's crimes and Lesley Stahl laughed and called it discredited? We don't despise the media enough. We will never hate the media enough. Never.

Hunter brackets the entire Biden presidency, he’s being pardoned for this he did which 51 “intelligence experts” denied as Russian disinformation. It's also important to remember, this isn't really about Hunter. This was Joe Biden protecting Joe Biden. Legacy media has been interfering in our elections for decades. This was just a continuation of that. It sure was. Hunter was just the bag man. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Flashback: Leslie Stahl Laughed When Trump Talked About Hunter's Crimes (Wonder What She'd Say Now?)

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