It's like a dog of the fish world

3 months ago

MASSIVE! Trump’s Operation Phoenix Expands GITMO as Mass Elite Arrests Begin, GESARA Wealth Redistribution Unfolds, and EBS Countdown Prepares for Historic Trials!

GESARA’s Wealth Distribution: Reclaiming What’s Ours
At the core of this revolution is the GESARA wealth distribution plan, a system meticulously designed to return stolen assets to the people. The Global Economic Security and Reformation Act (GESARA) isn’t just about canceling debt or erasing poverty—it’s about dismantling the mechanisms that allowed global elites to hoard unimaginable wealth while billions suffered.

Here’s how it works: the trillions of dollars seized from Vatican vaults, Rothschild banks, and offshore accounts are being funneled directly into the Quantum Financial System (QFS). The QFS ensures absolute transparency, with every transaction recorded on a quantum level, making fraud or manipulation impossible. This system doesn’t just redistribute wealth—it eliminates the corrupt infrastructure that made economic enslavement possible.

The distribution begins with Redemption Centers, the nerve centers of the GESARA plan. At these centers, individuals and communities receive direct financial relief based on their needs, debts, and contributions to society. Every participant undergoes authentication through Quantum Verification Portals (QVP), which scan DNA to ensure the legitimacy of claims. This technology eradicates the deep state’s ability to infiltrate or sabotage the process, ensuring the wealth flows solely to its rightful recipients.

But GESARA doesn’t stop at redistribution. It introduces universal income programs, funds for humanitarian projects, and resources for rebuilding critical infrastructure. This is not charity—it’s restitution. The stolen wealth is being returned to fuel prosperity, innovation, and unity on a global scale.

Global Military Raids and New Discoveries
Simultaneously, Trump’s forces are executing global raids that have exposed even deeper layers of elite corruption. In November alone, coordinated strikes uncovered underground facilities housing unimaginable levels of stolen resources and suppressed technologies.

In Switzerland, a bunker operated by a shadowy banking cartel was raided, revealing hoards of precious metals, rare artifacts, and black-market digital currencies. These assets, valued at trillions, were earmarked for elite projects designed to maintain their dominion over humanity. Now, they’re being cataloged and redirected into the QFS to support GESARA’s vision.

The Vatican: A Fortress of Deception Collapses
The Vatican, a long-standing symbol of power and secrecy, has been thoroughly exposed. Military forces have unearthed detailed blueprints of the elite’s long-term agenda to subjugate humanity under a single, centralized world government. Hidden beneath layers of vaults were artifacts and documents proving the elite’s orchestrated efforts to control education, religion, and even history itself.

Most damningly, investigators uncovered evidence of financial and human trafficking operations linked directly to high-ranking officials. Encrypted servers housed decades of data, connecting these operations to politicians, corporations, and media outlets worldwide. Trump’s forces are preparing this data for public release, which will irreversibly dismantle the elite’s web of deception.

Advanced Suppressed Technologies: Humanity’s Birthright
In addition to wealth redistribution, the GESARA plan includes the release of technologies suppressed by the elite for decades. Redemption Centers are beginning to deploy MedBeds—quantum healing devices capable of reversing diseases, regenerating tissue, and extending life spans. This technology, kept from the public to maintain pharmaceutical dominance, is now being used to heal the very people the elite sought to enslave.

THE FORBIDDEN HISTORY OF THE KHAZARIAN MAFIA and the City of London = Banking Capitol of World, Professor Ellis Washington Real News for Real Patriots from the Judy Byington Report—Part 30 | Ellis Washington Report
Short Version: The Khazarian Mafia, City of London and Child Sacrifice:

· About 1,200 AD an incredibly evil society emerged in Khazaria. The Khazarian Mafia king and his inner circle of oligarchs practiced ancient Babylonian black-magic Baal Worship. In return their God Satan was said to promise them power over the world and all its riches.

· This Secret Satanism was based on torturing and raping children (the younger and more innocent, the better), drinking their Adrenochromed blood and then sacrificing them in honor of their God Lucifer.

· The leaders of the surrounding nations, especially Russia, were disturbed by Khazarian crimes against their people, which included kidnapping of their young children and infants for their blood sacrifice ceremonies.

· By 800 AD the Russians led a group of nations surrounding Khazaria, invaded and conquered it. They then delivered an ultimatum to the Khazarian king that he must choose one of the three Abrahamic religions for his people: Islam, Christianity, or Judaism.

· The Khazarian king chose Judaism, but only pretended to practice it while continuing to sacrifice children to Satan so the Khazarian Mafia could rule the World.

· The Khazarian Mafia then invaded England, murdered King Charles 1 and began the English Civil Wars. The wars raged for nearly a decade and resulted in launching the British Empire and setting up the City of London as the banking capital of Europe.

· By 1913 the Globalist Cartel run by the Rothschilds and Khazarian Mafia (who posed as following the Jewish faith, but in reality worshipped Satan) owned the Federal Reserve and Central Banking system.

· The Jewish nationalist movement of Zionism originated in eastern and central Europe in the latter part of the 19th century was in reality organized by the Globalist Cartel and Khazarian Mafia. Zionism had as its goal the creation and support of a Jewish national state in Palestine. In reality the Globalist Cartel formed the Zionist movement in Israel in order to create continual wars and take over the Israeli people. They falsely convinced the Jewish people that they had a right to claim Israel for themselves.

BOOM!!! The Terrifying 4chan Prophecy: A Blueprint for the Pandemic and Vaccine Tragedy

In 2019, a cryptic 4chan post sent shockwaves through the internet, predicting catastrophic events for 2020-2021. Months later, chaos unfolded. Was this a warning ignored—or a glimpse into a sinister plan?

The Chilling Prediction
“9-10 million Americans will die in a major event during 2020-2021. Don’t ask me how I know this.”
This wasn’t a vague statement; it was precise. As the Covid-19 pandemic ravaged the globe, skeptics began to connect the dots. Was this a prophecy—or insider knowledge?

The Vaccine Warning
The poster also declared: “Do not accept any vaccines for a deadly virus in the winter of 2020.” At the time, it sounded outrageous. But as Operation Warp Speed funneled billions into rushed vaccine development, the questions arose: Were these vaccines truly about health—or control?

A Pandemic or a Smokescreen?
“It will cause flu-like symptoms and may kill elders, but the media will report it as deadly for all. It’s a hoax—the vaccine will be the real killer.”
This accusation shook the narrative. Was the pandemic about the virus—or a tool for fear and manipulation? Headlines screamed panic while governments imposed draconian mandates. The result? A society divided, freedoms stripped, and billions funneled into questionable solutions.

The Vaccine Fallout
“The vaccine will be the real killer.”
Since their rollout, reports of adverse effects—myocarditis, blood clots, and sudden deaths—have sparked worldwide protests. Families have been torn apart, careers ended, and trust shattered. Were these vaccines salvation—or a calculated move to harm?

Coincidence or Insider Knowledge?
How could an anonymous poster predict events with such chilling accuracy? Was it a wild guess, or did they know something we didn’t? Some claim it was a deliberate warning, others a leak from someone privy to shadowy plans.

The Media’s Role
Throughout the pandemic, the media perpetuated fear, amplifying the narrative of obedience and trust. But was this about protecting lives—or controlling them?

Your Wake-Up Call
Blind trust in governments, corporations, or vaccines has devastating consequences. The past years have proven that the systems we rely on can turn against us. Stay vigilant. Question everything. And remember: the truths we dismiss today may be the warnings we can’t ignore tomorrow.

The storm is here. Are you ready?
Massive Cover-Up! US House Report Confirms COVID as a Lab-Made Weapon, 1.2 Million Dead, Vaccines Caused More Harm, Lockdowns Were a Lie, and Big Tech Censorship Shielded the Truth!

A groundbreaking investigative report from the US House has confirmed what independent voices have warned for years: the COVID-19 pandemic response was a catastrophic abuse of power, driven by government overreach, junk science, and profiteering disguised as public health efforts. The report dismantles the official narrative, exposing it as a premeditated operation that left over a million Americans dead, freedoms trampled, and livelihoods destroyed in the name of “science.”

The origins of COVID-19 are no longer shrouded in mystery. SARS-CoV-2, a lab-crafted pathogen, was the result of a gain-of-function experiment at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), funded through taxpayer dollars funneled via the EcoHealth Alliance. This negligence, coupled with complicity from global agencies, unleashed a killer on the world, with no accountability for those responsible. Dr. Anthony Fauci, the face of the pandemic response, suppressed the lab-leak theory while amplifying lockdowns and mandates to shield his collaborators and their interests.

Lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccine requirements, once presented as lifesaving measures, are now exposed as tools of control that trampled constitutional rights. Lockdowns shattered small businesses, devastated supply chains, and forced children out of schools, leaving a generation scarred by mental health issues and educational setbacks. Mask mandates were based on flawed studies, and vaccine mandates coerced millions into taking experimental shots under threat of losing their livelihoods. The rushed vaccines, lauded under Operation Warp Speed, are now linked to adverse effects brushed aside by the medical-industrial complex.

Big Tech and mainstream media acted as a propaganda machine, silencing dissent and amplifying state-approved narratives. Social media platforms censored those who questioned the official story, while traditional media shielded corporate sponsors and perpetuated disinformation. The pandemic response wasn’t a failure—it was a calculated assault on freedoms, democracy, and economic stability.

The report highlights the economic devastation caused by the pandemic response, with rural communities and low-income households suffering the most. Small businesses were obliterated while corporate giants thrived, consolidating power for the elite. School closures stand as one of the greatest failures, robbing children of education, social development, and stability, with long-term consequences including increased anxiety, depression, and loss of academic progress.

The pandemic response wasn’t just incompetence—it was a deliberate exploitation of a global crisis to expand control, crush opposition, and prioritize profits over lives. The findings from this report expose the truth and demand accountability for the perpetrators of this unprecedented abuse.

Your 7-year-old wakes up exhausted.
Not because he's sick.
Because it's 6AM.

You pour him cereal.
Not because it's healthy.
Because it's quick.

He stares at an iPad.
Not because it's good for him.
Because you need to get ready.

The school calls later:
"He can't focus"
"He can't sit still"
"He needs testing"

The doctor writes a prescription.
Not because your boy is broken.
Because the system is.

The truth?
His brain is FIGHTING:

- Chemical food dyes
- Sugar crashes
- Screen addiction
- Sleep deprivation
- Natural energy

But we medicate the child
Instead of fixing the cause.

Your grandfather's kids:

- Played outside
- Ate real food
- Slept well
- Moved freely

No pills needed.

Modern parenting isn't convenience.
It's warfare. Against your own child.

Give him a chance:

- Clean food

- Real sleep

- Free play

- Natural movement

DON'T give him pills.
The system wants patients.



BREAKING: President Trump Drops a Bombshell – Military Heroes Discharged Over COVID Mandate Reinstated, Awarded Full Back Pay, and Given a Formal Government Apology!

President-elect Donald Trump has set a historic precedent by announcing the reinstatement of all military members discharged for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine mandate. These brave men and women will not only receive full back pay but also a formal apology from the United States Government!


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