Dr. Robert Malone: The House Released its Comprehensive Report on the COVID19 Crisis

2 months ago

12/02/2024 Dr. Robert Malone @rwmalonemd: The House released its comprehensive report on the covid19 crisis. The report concluded unequivocally that the virus was a single point of origin at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and that the World Health Organization withheld information about the origin of covid19 from the world in order to protect the CCP.
#ccp #WIV #WHO #covid19 #COVIDorigin #CCPVirus #Tedros

Full report >>> https://oversight.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/12.04.2024-SSCP-FINAL-REPORT.pdf

12/02/2024 罗伯特·马龙博士:众议院关于新冠危机的综合报告明确断定新冠病毒起源于单一地点——武汉病毒研究所,而且世卫组织为了保护中共,向全世界隐瞒了有关病毒起源的信息。
#中共 #武汉病毒研究所 #世卫组织 #新冠病毒 #新冠起源 #中共病毒 #谭德塞

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