Spiritual Prison Break. Part 2: Mind Prison

1 month ago

Spiritual Prison Break By Truisck

The Kingdom effects your Consciousness
You have been in or are controlled by a Satanic Kingdom

The Matrix (Hell)

Your Consciousness is then imprisoned.

You have 4 Prisons in Hell, each containing different Cells.
00:00 introduction
2:55 Negative Thoughts
17:41 Overthinking (Rumination)
24:41 Self Criticism (Perfectionism)
28:02 Inner-Critic (Self Talk)
30:24 Victim Mentality
39:49 Fixed mindset
47:03 Fear of Judgement
58:49 Social Comparison
1:13:20 Imposter Syndrome
1:22:34 Living in the Past
1:35:37 Fear of the Unknown (Fear of Change)
1:44:44 Rationalisation
1:55:45 Sunk cost Fallacy
2:00:50 Mental Escapism
2:10:07 The Need for Approval (People-Pleasing)
2:20:42 Limiting Beliefs
2:27:59 Habitual Thoughts
2:43:57 Lack mindset
3:05:01 Expectations
3:18:03 Obsessive Behaviour
3:32:49 Cognitive Dissonance

All the doors of the Above Cells are open
You have free will & its up to you.

I am God & I am here to break your soul out of Hell.

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