🌏 25%?400%关税封杀中共?💥 推翻全球最大独裁政权的倒计时已启动!💊 芬太尼战争:数十万美国年轻人付出生命,CCP却仍在数钱?🔥 全球对中共说不!

2 months ago

🌏 25%?400%关税封杀中共?
💥 推翻全球最大独裁政权的倒计时已启动!
💊 芬太尼战争:数十万美国年轻人付出生命,CCP却仍在数钱?
🔥 全球对中共说不!

🌏 25%? 400% tariffs to crush the CCP?
💥 The countdown to toppling the world’s largest dictatorship has begun!
💊 Fentanyl WAR: Hundreds of thousands of young Americans have sacrificed their lives while the CCP keeps cashing in.
🔥 The world is saying NO to the CCP!

#班农战斗室 #芬太尼危机 #FentanylCrisis #推翻中共 #全球正义 #反独裁
#WarRoom #TakeDownTheCCP #HumanRights #GlobalJustice #AntiDictatorship

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