Deplorable Nation Ep 222 Woman part 2 (swapcast)

15 hours ago

Woman, Part 2 roundtable extraordinaire hosted by Trebles of Paranoiradio. On this episode, we have Heidi (Unfiltered Rise), Theresa (The Spiritual Gangsters), Ellie (formerly of Speed Bumps), Tamara (author of Hapis), myself, and Chef (Sunday Night Secret Society) discussing important topics such as failure as a woman and the guilt associated with it, attributes you bring to the table in relationships/motherhood and beauty standards. We dive into marriage as a forced contract, weight loss crazes, traditional values, and more.

Follow Heidi on IG @unfilteredrise_podcast
Theresa @tsgangsterspod
Ellie @onethumbel
Tamara @levelplanepoem
Trebles @paranoiradio
Chef @sundaynightsecretsocietypod

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