A call to Prayer Day 46

3 months ago

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good morning family praise the Lord day 46 glory to God thank you for joining me
today as you can see we're doing something different we got the new green screen Braden's going to start uh making
some different backgrounds and you know being like that where a waterfall or forest or you know whatever he can play
around with his editing stuff he's trying to learn how to do new things and so I'm excited for him you know he's
trying so hard to edit and do the shorts and he works you know a lot of hours you
know trying to get the gospel out helping me edit the videos and and I just honor him he's a good kid I
appreciate you bra he's in here with me right now and and so but you know praise the Lord y'all I know I said uh Ted
Kennedy last video and everybody said a thousand times it's not Ted Kitty I know I messed up but it sure helped with the
algorithm every time you make a comment it boosts me in the rankings so it
wasn't intentional but you know I know his name's Robert Kennedy I knew his face and I knew who the Lord and after
it was over I was driving down the road and I said Lord I said I messed up he goes Brandon I knew who you was talking about it's all right your heart your I
know what was in your heart who you were praying for but it's interesting um how many emails how many how many comments I
got about Ted Kennedy I know Teddy Kennedy went home and he got assassinated but uh Robert Kennedy is
still here so I appreciate everybody trying to help me out you're a blessing that whole video was amazing because I I
I got that right out of the spirit praying for uh what's coming to pray and
intercede for Robert Kennedy to have wisdom on how to implement um things the
way that he needs to to take authority we need to take authority over the
Demonic principalities that have had their hands on our health health health care
system because the enemy is a kill still and destroyed devil God has come that
you may have life and life more abundantly ladies and gentlemen and so I I I know this is a serious time from
high fru toast corn syrup to all kinds of toxic things in our water chemicals
and things like that and I believe God is raising up a man that has obviously
been through the fire yeah I don't always agree with everything that everybody always says but I'm telling
you the Lord said his heart is really true for the people trying to help them to eat and drink and and live healthy to
not let the uh to live long and finish strong to not let the the the
the bad people Elites whatever you want to call them the evil luciferian crowd to uh have
their agenda because ultimately it's just the devil trying to take you out early and God is wanting you to live a
long and full healthy life without health problems so that we do not have all kinds of issues that's why I told
you about you know this time last year what the Lord told me and my wife not
and this is not Health advice this is what we do I'm just being full full full
disclosure that the Lord told Diana and me and the children to take after the month of November kicks in around
October to start taking 10,000 uh IUS of uh I believe is I or
milligrams I don't know iuse of uh D3 a day with K2 10 ,000 to boost that
through the winter months because I was asking Lord why does it seem there's a
lot of Cold and Flu viruses in the winter and he said it's because the D3 levels are going down that's what the
Lord spoke to me so he showed me the more you uh are inside underneath our
lights that we have and not outside because a lot of people are in there 8 to 5 Monday through Friday jobs they're
in their and and they don't are they're not out getting D3 in the winter and so your body stores that D3 in the fat and
so in the summer there's a lot of PE times people are outside they're swimming they're doing things outside activities outside and your body's
soaking up that but even then we're not outside enough like the farmers were uh
you know or people who worked um outside you know so thank God for supplements you know so
we find supplements that are good supplements good brands the Lord told me he said not every brand is for
you not every brand is a good brand to take so I have prayed and researched and
researched and researched and so instead of coming out and telling you what the Lord has showed me about that I I just
pray that God gives you wisdom because the people will go well you're trying to endorse those companies and and and and
you're giving us Health advice all that kind of stuff so I can't you know it's I I'm I'm talking to a mixed crowd here I
have the really strong me eater Believers I have the baby Believers and then I have the straight world so I have
to I'm I'm having to learn my audience and so you know whenever I told you all
um last yes day before yesterday about the audience about the coin so every time I'm going to talk now
I'm going to say this is the audience of the world this is the audience of the believer this is the audience of the
baby believer so that you know who I'm talking to so because I think what it's going to make it easier when I tell you
I see financial crisis coming if I tell you I see a major crash coming it's for
the whole world it's for everybody but it's not for the the the Blood Bought
Born Again believer that is filled with controlled by the Holy Ghost we are
called and are separate because we are unto him and he will take care of his beloved yes we will experience and see
the things that I've seen coming but does do it affect you to ask for me in
my house I'm not going to participate in that I will be provided for just like he
said I will take care of the sparrow I will take care of I take care of the lies of the field and I'm going to take
care of you so when I'm telling you this it's your job to filter whether does that
witness with me for my house is that going to happen to me no but thank you for letting me know that's coming thank
you for letting me know that we can pray against that concerning me in my house
when I tell you about the House of Cards falling eventually when I tell you about uh uh a debt call and all the banks not
wanting to loan money and the housing market falling and the car market falling and all these things that I've seen coming that's not for
you the believer now for the world that would affect the world because they
don't understand how to believe God by faith and for their Covenant so when I tell you I see a plague coming and I see
a major plague coming and it's going to it's going to kill 350 million people
this time that it'll be uh Co on steroids all these things is that for
you no it's for the it's a a warning for the believer to pray against it for
protection for you but it's ultimate for the world to warn the world that it's coming a great shaking is coming a great
humbling is coming a shaken to awaken is coming I
told told you I saw a wave a first wave coming that was Co I saw that months
before Co ever happened and you know what I think is interesting not very many prophetic voices were speaking at then nobody was warning and telling
anybody in the body of Christ really I mean what's supp to be real here about Co everybody who calls himself a prophet
I didn't hear very many in fact I was listening cuz I didn't have a platform at that time nothing about me ladies and
gentlemen I'm trying to get myself like oh Brett was but I'm telling you by the spirit of God I heard this 6 months prior and I
started warning people around my church congregation and warning them what was coming I said a great shaking is coming
to awaken a major storm's coming I saw people dying I saw people getting sick I
saw all the stuff that was happening all around and everybody's thinking oh that's fear mongering they warned me oh
you're a fearmonger don't listen to that God's oh God's got all this stuff going over here that's never nothing's going
to happen but not one word in the faith crowd and the word of faith crowd was being spoken about that that I
heard because it was fear mongering but I'm telling you by the spirit of God there's another wave
coming of something I do not know when yet I believe they're going to try to do
this 2026 2027 it's been push down the road so I
don't try to quote dates all I know is is I have have an urgency in my spirit about certain
things and about Robert Kennedy praying for Robert Kennedy you thought I was off of that
didn't you but it all ties in together Robert Kennedy will go in as a lion for
to uncover darkness that has been in the in the shadows and he's going to turn
the light on and we need to pray for him that he gets in that position because this all ties into this virus that I'm
telling you coming in it's coming that I have seen that's going to kill over 350 million people worldwide that will be
released in Europe first and spread all over the place and president Trump was president when this happens so Robert
Kennedy will be over FDA and all the health stuff we have to pray for him that he
uncovers the darkness I do not want to see this happen but I'm telling you by the spirit
of the Lord I have seen a major virus that is that that is that will not be stopped with a
vaccination they have taken and they've genetically modified this thing to make
it uh they took a spice of Co and they took all these other things I've told you I've seen it I've I watched them do
it on computers it's AI technology and when they they mingle it
together it creates a super bug and they can't control it and they release it and
it is very dangerous but it was for the obese the Lord spoke to me and rebuked
me about my weight again he said I warned you what was coming what are you doing I said Lord I have a problem I've
been eating food again too much I said how do you help me how do I how do I get over this what do I do he said stop
putting stuff in your mouth all the time I said well that's simple he said yes it's very
simple you're eating you're putting stuff in your mouth all the time he said Brandon you you just keep putting stuff
in there you like like you know whatever all throughout the day you eating too much and I said yeah that's right and
you're not exercising like you were that's right get back to exercising take care of your temple try to burn at least
500 calories a day on your Mo on your um bike or your treadmill 500 calories a
day is what he's commission me I need you to do 500 calories a day extra burning it off that's what he's
commissioned me and I don't know about you but that's what he's told me I'm just real with y'all I I I I'm as transparent as I can be
with you without getting too much persecution I tried to tell tell you about the d3s and increasing the D3
through the winter months and that's what we do I show you things lot people say why you tell people so much stuff
because I try to help for what I do and it works for me and and I boost it up
and say well I wasn't taking enough you and I'm telling you there's things that are linked to D3 that God provided to
help protect your body through viruses okay and um s selenium selenium and so uh
selenium selenium yeah things so taking those things and taking
those supplements boosting your immune immune system through the through the Aon Asia and things like that so
um going back to the Ted Kennedy thing and just listening to what the holy spirit is telling me about the urgency
of the hour of praying the right people in position for right now you think well it's just about presidency no this is
huge it's bigger it's life and death for some it's that big it's life and death for
some ladies and gentlemen this is very serious what they're going to try to do and if you are obese morbidly obese the
I told you the statistics of of the healthc Care industry from obesity in
one of my last videos when I told you about the plague and I was wearing a green shirt I told you the Obesity
plague industry was was was Far Far More on the health care population than any
other virus or anything else because obesity is a killer and so they're the
food the food what we're eating what they're putting in our food and what
they're doing to our uh grains and our gluten and everybody has gluten intolerance now you have so many people
with a with food allergies and all kinds of stuff it's because what they're doing with the the the putting in the food so
people are blowing up they're eating and they're not eating the right things they're putting in the all the stuff so
they they the the greed of it causes you to have to have the medications to to take all this stuff
and all these prescriptions in return because the food's bad the water's bad
so they're feeding you and making you eat this stuff because they're putting in this and then the other part the the pharmaceutical stuff and then you're
putting that in there to fix the problem that they caused with the food instead of eating organic natural
things out of your garden with uh fresh a fresh beef organic hormone free beef
and hormone free chickens and so you eating certain food industry
Foods you know what they're what's happening look around you so then they come out with a thing that you inject in
you to make you not want to eat all the time that is for diabetes and you start
injecting that in your body to try to get the weight off from all this other stuff so then your blood your your
pancreas is working funny cuz you're injecting the stuff into your body to try to lose the Obesity that's being
caused by food so do you understand how important it is for Robert Kennedy now I'm trying to paint a picture for you
all of how how how serious it was that the Holy Spirit came to me oh I felt the
Holy Ghost right then that he came to me and told me to pray and to bring this before you all and to use I use this
Army of prayer Believers to come against this firia demonic agenda to kill steal
and destroy and to shorten your life lifespan it started in America and it went to Europe and went to Asia and went
all around and and all the the crap they put
in our stuff and our cereals and the you know
the Box cereals and all the stuff folks ladies and gentlemen I'm trying to tell you the Lord's trying to protect you so
then I see the devil taking Five Pillars of
sin GL um uh Gossip lust all the things it went
five things right there's five things he showed me it went up like it had columns and it was all in the spirit realm this
is what it what the Lord showed me but he took obesity out and he said this one
is gluttony has not been dealt with and he was using this in the spirit realm as as a point of contact to to for legalism
in the spirit real because he's the accuser of the Brethren and where the Body of Christ
has been laxidasical is an obesity we frown a lot on on lust and gossip
pornographies uh drinking there's a lot of things that the body of Christ will unless you're in a secret Friendly
Church saying uh that say well it's okay but then we okay obesity well it's a
health issue a lot of health issues but people in the body of Christ a lot of charismatics a lot of um a lot
of um uh Word of Faith people are very
heavy and so we have this one that we kind of just bypass and say it's okay
it's okay it's okay well they're just dealing with that well they have a thyroid issue they've got this issue
they got that issue but not everybody does ladies and gentlemen there's a lot of people that just eat too much I'm one
of them I have been one of them I'm I I would take that back I am not one of them anymore I'm getting over this is
what I'm trying to say we have see see I'm I'm working on it too I am not one of them I am free from obesity I'm
freeing I'm free from eating disorders eating for Comfort when I'm stressed out
I am free from that I go to the white Bible here I am working on it again I am determined to get healthy because after
the Lord rebuke me again and so here I am I'm walking down the road I fall down you and you and you you you skin your
knee and you pick yourself back up so just going back to the Robert Kennedy
thing you know uh praying for him for for for people who have a backbone to
step in there and expose the darkness because I telling you that that it was
it was spliced the the virus looked like a DNA code and it was spliced and it was
airborn okay so not trying to scare everybody just trying to wake you up
that the enemy is still a foot they're still playing and uh the body of Christ
has got to put on their armor and they go who are you am I going to die if I'm fat I don't know it's between you and
God all I know is he told me you got it's mandated by you to take care of yourself and I told you this and you're
you're slacking off you've gained 20 lbs then it got up to 30 lbs you start getting putting weight back on you going
my goodness I weighed myself I was like I'm 27 lbs over what in the world what how'd that happen over five months four
months and I thought well you know here we go again get on there and start exercising eating my fish and my stuff
finding organic stuff again so I'm just being real so I know I've talked too
much so let's pray father I just thank you Lord for every single one of these people I lift them up before you father
and that we take charge and take authority over our bodies the father
that we are a people that have self-control father I thank you Lord
that we are not controlled by our emotional eating but we are controlled by the spirit of the Lord and we have
this holy spirit that dwells on the inside of us richly by faith and we
receive it right now in the name of Jesus and we take authority over the spirit of gluttony in the name of Jesus
and we tell you to Bow your knee in the name of Jesus you Spirit of gluttony you
Spirit of obesity I break you I break the stronghold of that off of people and
I tell you to release them right now in the name of Jesus father we cover them in the blood
and we cover their minds in the blood and father Eating Disorders are a thing of the curse of the law and according to
Galatians 3:13 Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the
law and I thank you Father that we submit oursel unto God we resist the
devil and he will flee in the name of Jesus in Terror he will flee from us but
father we submit oursel to you today we believe we receive your Mighty hand of
blessing and promise over us God today Father I thank you Lord for your Supernatural hand on every single one of
these people today that they are delivered from eating addictions they're delivered from diabetes they're
delivered from high blood pressure uh from from all kinds of things that are
related to obesity thyroid disorder father I speak to their thyroids in the
name of Jesus and I call their thyroids healed and whole and well in the name of Jesus and father I thank you Lord for
the completely Deliverance over their needs that they're able to exercise and take care of their bodies father we
plead the blood of Jesus over their knees and over their ankles and over their joints and I thank you Father
they're able to out get out and move because you've created our joints to move you've created our knees to move
you've created our bodies to be active and we get active and take care of our hearts and take care of our bodies and
take care of our blood pressure and take care of the things that we need to take care of we will not submit to a devil of
obesity anymore and father I thank you Lord that we have the mind of Christ
father we take authority over our minds and we have the mind of Christ we think we think about Godly thoughts we think
about what you say to think about Lord in your word and we have a sound mind we
have a sound mind God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love
and of of a well Balan mind so father I thank you Lord that we
finished strong in 2024 2024 and then going into
2025 I thank you Father for Supernatural acceleration even more to come I call
forth a a a great financial blessing on all the the things that you've told us
about father to increase and multiply and have great favor for you said you're
the god of favor you will give us great favor you favored your beloved and I
thank you Father for Supernatural favor on every single day that we walk out in
this life that we are favored by Jesus Christ himself that we have that kingly
anointing on us that we are going from glory to glory father favored by the most high god father able to do
exceedingly abundantly above all that we dare ask or think that's what you do for us father I thank you Lord that we're
submitted oursel unto you Lord we love you Lord and we thank you Lord that we're healed and whole in our bodies and
we speak to cataracts we speak to glaucoma we speak we call your eyes
healed and whole and well in the name of Jesus we speak to eyes we speak to blood
pressure we speak to diabetes and sugars we speak to kidney disorders we speak to
livers and fatty liver disease we speak healing and wholeness and wellness over your bodies in the name of Jesus
and we thank you Lord no arthritis comes on them Father I thank you Lord that their bodies their minds are renewed no
Alzheimer no Dimension no Strokes no no nothing father that they are completely made whole by the blood of
Jesus father dear in this beautiful Christmas season Lord we give you worth
we give you we Glory we give you honor and we say Jesus you're the reason for the season we magnify you King of Kings
we magn ify you Lord of lords father happy birthday to you I know it's not your your rightful your birthday
birthday but father this when we celebrate it and we just want to say Lord as we enter into this beautiful
season happy birthday father happy birthday thank you for coming on this
Earth thank you for join being here for us and and you died and rose again on the third day thank you Lord happy
birthday Lord your your birthday's coming and we want to do something and beg for you on your birthday father that
we could give you a amazing Christmas present maybe a thousand souls or
something Lord that we could give you something that would be your your wildest dreams your greatest heart's
desire is that all your children would come to repentance help us father anoint
us to do something great for you today anoint us to do something Supernatural
today father that we are anointed and appointed for such a time as this that father that when we go in into the
stores when we go into the places they would see the glory on us Lord that father that they we would bring in the
greatest Harvest of souls this world has ever known all for the glory of God
father we thank you Lord that that anointing is on us and appointed we're appointed and we are chosen for such a
time as this to bring in the Great Harvest now father I pray over Robert uh Kennedy today and I thank you Lord that
he he will be have favor to have his his house and to to this this appointed seat
over the health administration over the food I thank you Lord that we get rid of
fouchy and father he's no more and father that we'll bring in people of
character instead of like people like fouchy and Lord we thank you Lord that
we have people of character come up and Rise Up In The Name of Jesus with a supernatural backbone to stand and
uncover the the wicked plots no matter if the debt threats no matter all the people who try to hurt and harm because
they had there's trillions of dollars wrapped up in all this but father to
uncover the Demonic strongholds that are on people and then father that you've
come to set the captives free and I thank you Father that you would raise up
uh Robert Kennedy right now father to to anoint him and appoint him for such a time as this and he would have no
obstacles he would step in and he would be able to do things and be able to operate the way he's supposed to I thank
you Father for for the angels that go before and prepare the way Holy Spirit I thank you that you're working on the
heart hearts in behalf of him you're working on the hearts of the Sinners to pass this and to get it through I thank
you Lord that this is a time like we've never seen before and I call for president Trump to be bold about his
faith father that he would have a backbone like we've never seen before father to stand in in in in the gap for
The Unborn to stand in the gap for the unbeliever to to to call in the
unbeliever to change this nation father to make it a nation that prays again we
thank you Lord for a fire on him in the name of Jesus in the White House a stirring in a spirit father a stirring
in a spirit a stirring in a spirit Lord to raise him up for such a time as this
even more we pray a hedge of protection around and about him today Lord right now now in the name of Jesus that
there's Angels around him a thousand shall fall at his side and 10,000 at his right hand but
nothing shall come n him Lord we thank you Lord for Supernatural protection
concerning president Trump over his wife over his children over his grandchildren
and that father that your angels are there with their Mighty swords and shields protecting them in the name of
Jesus father I call forth the deflating again over the war in Ukraine and over
Russia and I bind those devils in the name of Jesus of war that we will not have an acceleration of war that we have
a time of Grace of four years extra father right now for a mighty Harvest
and we thank you Lord that there's peace that passes all understanding over this situation with Poland over this
situation that I've seen coming up trying to rise up and raise its head concerning Poland and this this uh
weapon that I've never seen of mass destuction I say in the name of Jesus
this plan is uh stopped and it will not bear fruit in the name of Jesus and I
say to the luciferians you will not do this we will have our Revival and there
will be a glorious outpouring in the name of Jesus and I thank you Father for
your hand on these nations I thank you Lord for wealth of the wicked is laid up
for the righteous I pray over the the oil in the name of Jesus and I thank you Lord for the oil for over Israel and
over the gulf and over over our Gulf and over Mexico's golf for great great Wells of oil and we
will drill baby drill and get that oil oil up and the oil will go over $200 a
barrel and Supernatural wealth transfer will take place in the name of
Jesus turning our nation's debt around and we thank you Lord for Elon Musk we
call him bornn again we call him filled with controlled by the Holy Spirit and
we say in the name of Jesus his eyes are open and flooded with light that he would know the hope of his calling and
he would be born again I pray labors across his path today in the name of Jesus and I thank you Lord that he has a
visitation from the Lord Jesus Christ and father that his technology that he's using for starlink and for Tesla and all
these others will be used for the kingdom of God not for the kingdom of darkness I thank you Lord that he would
be the greatest influence the greatest influence of social media with the MSNBC
that he would purchase that and be able to purchase and have a Godly not a well maybe just not so a liberal it' be cool
if we had a Godly station but not so not a liberal station to to to be able to
produce news out of it that would get great support through the Republic Republican
party with great news anchors like Tucker Carlson I thank you Father that this
would be a like a Tucker Carlson would come back on the scene and be able to have his news
station and news platform out of fox and I thank you Lord that this would be a
supernatural time like we've never seen before of of getting good news out Godly
stuff happening a turnaround of events father this would be a time like we've never seen before of the wealth of the
sinner for you said this is another do com error coming you warned me Lord you said Brandon a newcom errors coming with
crypto it's happening a new season so well praise
the Lord praise the Lord everybody uh I I think that's good for praying over that we prayed over Elon mus we pray
protection over him we pray Revival we oh I pray Revival I SP a a Revival is
coming in the name of Jesus and I thank you Lord for Great Harvest souls in Asia
for our our asian brothers and sisters we call forth the fire of the Holy Spirit on them and a great boldness will
be on the Asian Community like we've never seen before in the name of Jesus
all throughout Asia all throughout Hong Kong and all throughout Japan all
throughout North Korea South Korea over the Philippines over Vietnam we call
forth China to have a great Revival in the underground churches we say a fresh fire of the holy spirit is on them in
the name of Jesus and all throughout their communities taking off the blinders from being a Buddhist we speak
to that false religion spirit and we command you to Bow your knee in the name of Jesus over these these
people over the Muslim Community we call forth an exposing of Darkness we say the
eyes of their understanding would be and flood with light that father that the father that would we call them out of
that darkness and we call them into the light Jesus become real to these people
become real to these people with demonstrations and manifestations of the glory of the glory of the Lord that
father when they pray for the sick they would recover they would bring sight to the blind open their ears father open
raise up the the the dead father bring up the dead people out of the Dead out of the being and dead now they're alive
just like Lazarus father I thank you Lord that this is the time that we will see more dead raised than we've ever
seen in any generation before that this would be a time that people walk in boldness and raise the dead it would be
a sign and a Wonder in these last days raising children up from the dead raising up Ju Just people getting up
everywhere and we thank you Lord that that's what's going to happen in the name of Jesus because it's the Great
Commission to go into all the world lay hands hands on the sick and see recover cast out Devils raise the dead freely
we've been given freely you give it out don't charge a dime for it if you take care of God's people God's people will
take care of you preach the gospel without compromise preach the gospel
without compromise speak and do not be Seeker friendly preach Holiness and
righteousness back in the pulpits telling the people that God is a holy God and that we are to live holy before
him not like harlots to walk like Jesus in these last days to be like Jesus more
like Jesus un less like the world I don't want to straddle the fence and be one foot in the world and
one foot in with him to be lukewarm because he said if you lukewarm he would
spew you out of his mouth whether to be hot or cold but father I thank you Lord
that we're hot for Jesus today creating us a clean heart creating us a clean
heart father more and more of Jesus more and more Jesus in us that the fire of the
Holy Spirit dwells on us and that when we lay hands on the sick they will recover all to the glory of God do you
believe that today the Lord told me to tell you believe him for bigger believe him for
bigger it's time to believe for bigger I saw the five pillars of of crypto this
morning again I saw five
pillars when I was praying in my prayer time this morning you should know that there's going to be five
pillars Five Pillars there's certain cryptos that will stand out and then I saw a stick
and and there were shafts these pillers and and there was certain cryptos that
were attached to the major crypto and they were support
beams and all the others that weren't attached to the support beam fell away
and became worthless you have to pray who are the
five pillars and who will be the ones that lead into the new world uh
system it's pretty obvious which who who three of them will be but who are the
other two who are the other two there's two more that you all need to pray about I
have spoken about three there's three pillars that I've spoken about but there's two more that
I've not and then there's certain ones that will prop up those with their software
and the economic system will go together with that what are similarities of those
five that they will use he called it support support they support systems
they support and they and they will merge it would be like a
merge with these five merging with
Technologies creating a super one because of the Technologies so you
there's five and there'll be pillars so so that's all I'm going to say about that but I'm going to tell you all these
others will I saw them falling like like stars they're falling they'll fall and
they'll be done but they will have the support system and the Lord spoke to me and he said this there will be great
regulations ahead laws and boundaries so that
there's not another ft FTX like the guy that stole all that all that money and
went to prison I don't remember his name I I know he had a company he was he was it was it was an exchange so just look
that up he just got in trouble he he embezzled a bunch of money from these people he they said the Lord show me he
said there'll be regulation come with Trump Administration that puts boundaries and
guidelines so that there's not uh corruption he said this will be uh a
good thing it gives it um stability so that the elders Elder
generation will trust it more billionaires a lot of the billionaires
the younger generation grasp on to things real easy but the Elder generation the old money don't like it
and there has to be regulation and the Lord said regulation will come that will bring in
boundaries and in these bound these these these uh guidelines through Congress and things
in the United States that will make it a super thing it will be a new uh do error
there was regulations and things that were set in motion about the internet when it was first established
established do you remember like back in the 1990s when Clinton administration came out with it and all that
happened the the internet was a new thing there was not any really there was
no really guidelines there was kind of it was just like the wild west so they brought in regulation and things to to
stabilize it so that it would not be out in the wild west anymore it' be a civilized society so that's the way the
Holy Spirit just told me to tell you it will become a civilized society it won't be the wild west anymore and so there
will be there'll be things that are set in motion to make it stable and when
this takes place even more so into 2025 2026 you will see stability Beyond
anybody's comprehend but this is the beginning of a new er of time and there'll be five
five I saw five main pillars some of the pillars were
stronger than the others these others were kind of just like there they weren't as big as deal
as the as the three two pillars are kind of like down here and the others were like one two three and then the other
two was over here to the side and then they went like this kind of like pyramid kind of like network marketing kind of
like that and they they had support systems thought it was interesting the
way he showed it to me in the spirit room today and he showed me which ones went with which and I thought I was like
well that's interesting so I just write it down go on about my day focus on
him focus on him do not get lost in your
own lust for things when you focus on
him and and he sees your heart he will show you the the secret
things even my wife read the SC scripture he said I will show you the hidden things the dark and darkness in
the Deep I will I will bring it to light to you I will I will uncover these things
for you I will show it to you he's going to give you the things that are hidden in
darkness if you seek Him and they people say well do you seek him for that no I
just I just you fall in love with him your father he's your father don't it's
not it's not weird he's our father he loves you but when you have relationship with
him and you're intimate with him and you talk and you you invite him throughout your whole day he will come and become
real to you if you get real with God God will get real with you stop being stop
being religious I I pray for so many of you all and he shows me the deep roots
of religion inside of you cuz I have a lot of people follow from all kinds of different tents lots of different Church
of Christ you you've got all kinds of people Baptists methodists Catholics I've got L LDS I've got all kinds of
people from all kinds of different ways of thinking and a lot is bondage from uh
religious spirits and and Jesus is free he loves you he wants you he is he is
all sufficient all in himself I don't kill I'm non- denominational I have
Jesus I don't need all that I have Jesus and he is he is more real to me
than even my my my son Jesus comes and visits me and he tells me and he shows
me things I hope that blessed you today I think I've made this video long enough we'll talk more tomorrow well if you're
new here and you never been to one of my videos um thank you for joining us today
it's a real blessing if you could comment some down below say hey I'm new here we've or something tell us where
you're from you don't tell us where just a city or whatever say I live in the state of wherever just let us know where you live we're curious that my son gets
a kick out of that tell us say you we live in Texas we live in Michigan we live in whatever tell us where you're
from where where are you watching from we live in South Africa we love that I got a lot of people all over the world
watching this it's it's amazing one of my largest uh uh Watchers is is is is uh
as Africa isn't it son South Africa South Africa yeah yeah South Africa
amazing South Africa welcome South Africa it's so cool well if you haven't
subscribed subscribe we will we would really appreciate that subscribe click the notification Bell uh it all helps
with the algorithm folks it gets his gospel spread throughout the whole world because and then the end will come we
must tell the people that Jesus is coming and we're raising up a prayer Army of a million people that every day
we will pray and bring forth the glory and and bring a refreshing to you today and I pray that this video refreshed you
I pray this video brought some hope to you that we're we're not appointed under wrath God is a god of God is a god of of
mercy and Grace and I'm telling you ladies and gentlemen if you're a Believer The Best Is Yet To Come good
days are are ahead for the believer so we just want to tell you thank you for joining us today well we close our
broadcast oh and tell us if you like the screen do you like this the the the birds or whatever that he's doing today
I don't know tell us if you like it let us know well we always close the broadcast by saying put a smile on your
face and a song in your heart Jesus loves you so much and we love you and we
will see you again tomorrow God bless you all have a wonderful day bye-bye

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