Trump jokes about Canada becoming 51st State, Biden gives Africa Billions, Beyond the Ice Wall 1912

2 months ago

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Justin Trudeau went to visit Donald Trump and it is said that Trump joked about making Canada the 51st State of the United States and making Trudeau it's Governor, I say don't even joke about Trudeau remaining in Government anywhere, lock that psycho up forever and FREE Canada instead of adding it to anyone, same as every Country taken over by this nonsense

Joe Biden said he wants to send Billions to Africa to help them and build them up, STOP allowing this person to fund the World and FUND AMRERICA INSTEAD

Ralph Avallone on X - Please join my organization Patriot Survival Tactical Team as we host a nationwide candle light vigil for the victims and survivors of Hurricane Helene

A look back at pictures from BEYOND THE ICE WALL - Cpt. Robert Scott 1912 archives - Loic Lostik LEAD found on the Internet Archive

Tunnels have always existed, now with machines like Big Bertha that not only drill tunnels but also construct the walls, floor, and ceiling leaving a completed tunnel behind is it possible to dig a tunnel straight to Antarctica and/or through the ice wall to get to beyond it

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