Wednesday Evening Bible Study Jeremiah 40-41-42 12-4-2024

3 months ago

Chapter 40 of Jeremiah deals with him being set free from chains after the final siege of Jerusalem and the destruction of the city and the temple. The Babylonian army captain set him free and gave him a choice to go with him to Babylon or remain in Judah, which he did.
We learn that Gedaliah has been appointed as Governor over the remnant of poor Jews who were left in Judah. Jeremiah and another Johanan try to warn Gedaliah of a plan to kill him by a man named Ishmael, but Gedaliah did not heed the warning and was murdered in chapter 41.
In chapter 42, a remnant of Jews asked Jeremiah to pray to God for them to know what they should do. They said they would obey God's instruction, but they did not and instead planned on going to Egypt where they thought they would get away from war and trouble. But God's word to them was that if they went there, they would die there from the sword, famine, and pestilence.
Time after time Jeremiah gives God's word to the people, but they never obey and end up suffering the consequences.

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