020 090's Commercials Volume 004

2 months ago

A bunch of commercials that aired on ABC on April 29th, 1990.

1. Flintstones Children's Vitamins (What kid who grew up in the 80's didn't take these?)
2. Playtex Portables (Why are feminine hygiene commercials almost universally hilarious?)
3. Subaru Legacy
4. Brite Floor Cleaner (After watching this several times, I still have no idea what's going on)
5. Toyota MR2
6. Playtex Cross-Your-Heart Bra (What a trollop! Not that I'm complaining)
7. Promo for "Burning Bridges"
8. Lexus LS400
9. Carnival Cruise Lines (Oh, Kathie Lee. Where have you gone to?)
10. Little Caesar's Pizza (That dog that says "I Love You" should've had it's own TV show)
11. Halsa Shampoo
12. Dirt Devil (What's with the stereotype of happy old men selling Vacuum Cleaners?)
13. Promo for "Elvis"
14. Alka Seltzer
15. Upjohn Medical
16. Promo for "Brewster Place" (Name a TV series that isn't about "life" Oprah. Name it!)
17. Summer's Eve Douche (What a douchey jingle!)
18. Sensodyne Toothpaste
19. 2000 Flushes (Try blue, or new green! Coming soon...red!)
20. Promo for "Doogie Howser M.D." and "The Marshall Chronicles"
21. News Break (Of course the big news about the Hubble Telescope soon after this was that the mirror was totally messed up)
22. Carrows
23. Sunnyvale Ford
24. Aris Project
25. "This Is Your Brain On Drugs" PSA (A classic)

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