The Pope and Volcanoes Energy Vlog

1 month ago

The Pope and Volcanoes Energy Vlog title is from the date December 3, 2024 thus 23 which gives us #5 The Hierophant card which depicts a Pope with his acolytes at his feet. It signifies dogma and structures of control. The Volcanoes card is from the Elemental Oracle deck key word is power but it talks of anger blowing off steam at someone. Advising that it be let off ib private. Though I say sometimes you have to establish boundaries.

The schumann Resonance today Disclosure news showed us Two amplitudes The firswt is a power of 31 at 9:40 PM UTC on DEc.2, 2024 Thus Death is what the tyrant emperor Biden is striving to get us into a nuclear war. The second amplitude power of 12 at 10:15 AM UTC thus the Tower is what the Hanged man has to change his perspective on since the tower brings down the Tyrant"s Empire before it can implement its evil plan. The Quality power is a power of # 8 The strength card telling us to be strong and brave as we face our shadow or inner beast. The frequency average is 7.84 hertz thus 19 The Sun card giving us Light, abundance, and Warmth it powers the cycle of life.
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Cliff High substack on Melee December 3, 2024:

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