"Emmanuel - God With Us! God In Us? - Matt 1:20-23 (www.reallife7.org)

2 months ago

Emmanuel - "God with man on earth". God came down to abide in human flesh to become the God/Man. Imagine looking into the face of God as Mary, Joseph, the Shepherds, and the Wisemen did. Picture Jesus' first steps as a little child. See Him in His youth, the perfect child, obeying every request of His parents. Think of the years He spent walking upon the earth that He created and then the 3 1/2 years of ministry that culminated with His death on the cross for us. Oh, the wonderful of it all......Amazing Grace......that God would visit we who are doomed in sin to rescue us to abide in an Eternal Heaven with Him if we would but repent, believe and receive and recieve Him as our Lord and Savior. Glory to God in the highest!!!!

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