RFK Jr: CDC Knew Vaccine Link to Autism in 1989—'1135% Risk Hidden by Industry Elites'

14 hours ago

RFK Jr: "Around 1995, Congress said to the EPA, what year did the autism epidemic begin? And [the EPA] said 1989 is the year the epidemic began. It's a red line. And 1989 was the year the vaccine schedule exploded."

"So [the] CDC hired a Belgian epidemiologist named Thomas Verstraeten... and he looked at one thing. He looked at children who got the hepatitis B vaccine within their first month of life, and compared those health outcomes... [to] children who got it after 30 days, or didn't get it at all."

"What he found... was a 1135% greater or elevated risk for an autism diagnosis among the kids who'd gotten it in their first 30 days. At that point they knew what caused the autism epidemic... So there was a panic throughout the industry."

"The CDC wanted to do a meeting with all the big panjandrums of the industry... and they assembled [72 people] from the WHO, CDC, NIH, FDA, and all the vaccine companies, and all the big academics... They spend the second day talking about how to hide it."

"Somebody made a recording of it, and I got a hold of the transcripts, and I published excerpts from those transcripts in Rolling Stone. And anybody can go and read these now on our website."

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