Why The Moroccan popular Revolution?

2 months ago

In my opinion, Moroccan politics are traditions tailored by the invading slaves. These opportunists have swindled the Berbers and enslaved their victims through deceptions, and a brutal tyranny of vile rapists terrorists criminals (Mkhaznis.) Adding deceptions, and complicities with foreign powers. The French Protectorate and its crimes against the Moroccans centralised the fascist's totalitarian power in the hands of the same invading slavers. A lack of respect for human values, and democracy, give away to this criminal mafia of deceivers.
Unfortunately, the Berbers, have paid for their trust in these criminal colonial agents of pure Zionistic cruelty. Terrorist state terrorizing the poor victims. Thus the entire society is hostage suffering the ills of the tyrannical criminal gang of Demonic opportunists, without rights to exist or to be! In conclusion, Morocco is due for a popular revolution!

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