MERN Stack Ultimate Tutorial - Forgot Password, User Authentication & Email Verification

8 days ago

GitHub repo 👇

In this video, I go over step-by-step on how to create a full user authentication system using the MERN Stack. This stack consists of MongoDB for the database, Express as the backend framework, React and Node.js.

We use packages like jsonwebtoken, bcrypt, nodemon, zustand for state management, cookie parser, mongoose and much more.

You will be able to code an authentication system that allows a user to register an account and receive a verification email through Resend. The user will be able to verify their email and login to their account with a JWT token as the authentication method.

The user will be able to request a password reset, see their user information on the dashboard and logout as well.

After watching this video, you will be able to fully comprehend how an authentication system is built using the MERN stack.

Time stamp
0:00 Intro
0:36 App Demo
3:11 VSCode & Node.js
3:41 Create the project main folders
4:43 Initialize the package.json for backend
6:15 Install the required dependencies for backend
9:23 Initialize an Express App
12:15 Nodemon
15:22 Create a MongoDB Database
25:33 Create a User Schema with Mongoose
30:11 Create Routes and Controllers for the server
39:25 Create the signup route handler function (server)
1:00:53 Send Verification Email
1:13:05 How to create custom email designs
1:18:21 Verify the Email of the user endpoint
1:28:48 Login Route Handler Function
1:34:16 Logout Route Handler Function
1:36:34 Forgot Password Route Handler Function
1:46:59 Reset Password Route Handler Function
1:56:21 Check Authentication Endpoint Function
2:06:09 Set Up Vite & Tailwindcss for frontend
2:12:21 Set up React Router Dom
2:17:48 Signup Page UI Design with
2:26:24 State management of Signup Page with Zustand and call signup API endpoint
2:44:55 Verify Email UI Design with Shadcn UI
2:48:47 State management of Verify Email and call verify email API endpoint
2:56:01 Login Page UI and call login API endpoint.
3:02:48 Check Authentication and Protect Routes
3:16:49 Display user information from database
3:19:01 Forgot Password UI and call the endpoint
3:26:39 Reset Password UI and call the endpoint
3:36:26 Outro

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