Home Workout: Three Exercises Done Three Ways

3 months ago

A simple home workout of three exercises done three ways. The three exercises are deadlift, overhead military press and sit ups. You can use a kettlebell or a dumbbell for your weight. In the first round you are going to do a 2-arm deadlift, 2-arm overhead press and a regular sit up.

The second round is single sides of each exercises and the final round is all three back-to-back-to-back.
You can do this workout for repetitions or time intervals like 30on/15 off or 45 on/15 off.

00:00 Intro
00:12 Workout Description
01:37 Round 1: 2-Arm Exercises
02:34 Round 2: Single Side Exercises
04:04 Round 3: Double, Single, Single Exercises
06:29 Exercise Variations
06:57 Conclusion

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Please consult your doctor before this or any workout program. The creators, producers, participants and distributors of this program do not assume any responsibility for any injury or loss in connection with the use of this program.

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