Inauguration Aftermath: MARCHING Toward MIDNIGHT

3 months ago

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The day after the Inauguration of Donald J. Trump as 47th President of the United States of America a different sort of parade will be taking place. A celestial one. With many "day-one" promises having been made on the campaign trail, it seems that one pressing issue could prevent any such changes from happening. With the Doomsday Clock resting at 90 seconds to midnight, the global temperature continues to rise. This time, though, it has nothing to do with so-called global warming.
#jamesanthonyreport #trump #worldwar
Partial Transcript:
Just one day after the Inauguration of Donald Trump as President on January 20th, 2025, a different sort of parade will be taking place. In the sky. Six planets will align that include Venus in the west, Mars in the east, Jupiter rising later in the east, and Saturn in the southwestern sky. In Astrological terms Jupiter is associated with expansion and growth, while Venus is linked to love. Both Saturn and Mars are considered to be malefic planets often linked to hardship and war. In Religious interpretations, unusual celestial events often suggest judgement or renewal but are always viewed as divine intervention. The planet Mercury will be less visible but will join the festivities as a sign of communication breakdowns, travel disruptions, and technological issues. From the scientific perspective, the predictable movement of planetary bodies does not indicate either good or bad fortune.
With this in mind, 2020 was considered an anomaly with events like the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, the closest the two planets had been to each other in 400 years. The Mars opposition also took place and was directly opposite the Sun, making it appear brighter than ever before. 2020 also included two planetary parades, Mercury appearing to travel backwards, Venus' phase of brilliance,
and the Perseid and Geminid meteor showers. 2020 also saw more than its' share of NEO's (Near-Earth Objects), enough that space agencies have commissioned the planning and development of missions focused on this very thing. The focus this time around will be Russia and the potential for nuclear disaster, as the Doomsday Clock nears ninety seconds to midnight. The closest this symbolic clock has ever been to the witching hour. This time, the global temperature is rising but has nothing to do with so-called global warming.
This is James Anthony Reporting.

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