Calisthenics Outside: Adjusting To A Mad World

2 months ago

-“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”
-Jiddu Krishnamurti

I’ve seen this quote everywhere for the past few weeks and believe it to be accurate. Partly because this is what I’ve been going through the past few years after having some paradigm shifts in aspects of our modern society.

Fighting for peace of mind is a must and I have a toolbox of things I utilize. On the more materialistic side of this toolbox is nature and working out.

- Sunlight (not on this day so much)
- & moving my body through space
——————————————————————————————————————————— Exercises included

One-Legged Squats (Lengthened Range of Motion)
Rope Pull-Ups
Ring Dips

Two sets(4-5 min rest) were done of each but I left that out.

Nerve & Muscle Fitness Full E-Book:

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