More stupidity from my stalker

8 days ago

Show, she privatized a few videos, including this one. So thank God I got the at. Least most important part of it.

However, I did miss recording how she was trying to tie me and Liz. To this, but first she started off with liz.

The other video she privatized is her showing her skills every single thing I pointed out here on this channel. She has privatized all those videos.

She is very concerned that the social security office is watching her every move. Now cause yeah, they are.

Now they know what's social media platforms to look at and I mean, all of them not just rumble.

And they do have a private investigator they can get warrants for anymore platforms that get open up privately or you know, brad new or old that are shut down on private.

Because that's their job. That's your job to find anybody. That is filaying the system.

So not just a warning to you all about this woman. This year is a warning to the woman that yeah, now you are on their radar..

Also worse. I even told you be careful who you attack. One day you're gonna run into the wrong individual. well, in this video, she ran into the wrong individual.

Good luck, sweetheart, I do pray for your safety.
And if you lose your disability checks, that's not my fault. That's yours, so why you're doing on social media. be careful displaying them skills.

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