New lawsuit against chemtrails could force “Geoengineering” into legal spotlight

2 months ago

New lawsuit against chemtrails could force “Geoengineering” into legal spotlight
/ Main News Stories / By Jerry Carlson
Crop and animal health are just one of the concerns over “Geoengineering,” the issue of supposed longtime spraying of toxic aerosols into the atmosphere worldwide.

The atmospheric evidence is clearly visible, but government agencies have been far less than forthcoming about the massive volume of atmospheric modification and its impacts. Now, the number of activist groups and chemtrail opponents are starting to coalesce into alliances with enough clout to force evidence and government agencies into the open. This would be an interesting spectator sport, except that your crops and your family are part of the collateral damage which concerns thousands of citizens. Not just the conspiracy buffs either: There’s significant pushback from science-based observers with a broad enough perspective to link long-trending, broadly based symptoms with possible toxicities.

Contrails or chemtrails?
Many of these people have allied under the auspices of, a private activist group headed by Dane Wigington.

Click here for details of the group’s legal 60-day notice of intent to file a lawsuit. On the page that will appear from this link, you can download a PDF showing the lawsuit’s intended defendants.

Or, you can download the detailed lawsuit notice as a PDF at this link.

Another website with decent scientific credibility is, which offers multiple links to a network of chemtrail-concerned citizens. ….

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