Oh Christmas Tree - 1965 Allen Organ

2 months ago

Another fun Christmas carol, this one makes good use of the Swell Trumpet and Choir Krummhorn with the Tremulant for both going strong.

Unfortunately, the mysterious hiss has returned and is spoiling my fun. I will need to take a serious look at the preamps in the tone generators to see if there's a bad solder joint causing it, possible since the weather has been cold.

** My Equipment **
Video: iPhone 12 Pro Max
Audio: Tascam Portacapture x8 with built in microphones in XY configuration.

** About me **
I am not a professional organist, nor do I have any musical training to speak of. So, I'm learning as I go.

** About the organ **
This organ was installed June 15, 1965 as part of a new church building for the 2nd Baptist Church of Rochester, NY. It was a Custom build from Allen Organ in Macungie, Pennsylvania, with additional options for a Schulmerich Carillon system. It is a unit organ of seven electronic ranks, with the Great/Swell/Pedal sharing three tone generators, the Swell having a dedicated Celeste generator, and an independent Choir division of three tone generators, for a total of five audio output channels. A total of 570 oscillators generate all the sounds that are heard. A dedicated Choir Celeste generator awaits installation, which will bring the total up to 607 oscillators. The organ was dedicated in September, 1965 in a recital performed by Berj Zamkochian.

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