Sense of Urgency

3 months ago

Greetings, this is Ray Hightower speaking to you from the great state of Arizona. I'm driving back to Phoenix right now, and as I'm driving, I'm thinking about a sense of urgency. Why it is important to have a sense of urgency in business.

Recently, I had the opportunity to respond to something with an investor, and I could have waited to respond, but I decided, no, I'm going to do it right now. I dropped what I was doing. I responded to that investors set up questions immediately, they shot back to me immediately, and we were able to consummate a relationship, all because of a sense of urgency. And what I'm learning is when we in business have an idea, when we know that we're supposed to execute on something when we know we're supposed to take a step of execution. We should do that as rapidly as possible, because when we execute with a sense of urgency, we maintain momentum and we increase the odds of a successful result.

And, you know, it's amazing. I keep learning this lesson over and over again. I learned it before, when I was running my technology company over and over again. I've learned it on other deals I've been working on in real estate, over and over again. I keep needing, needing to learn this lesson over and over again.

So I'm recording this video as a form of encouragement to my future self to always maintain a sense of urgency, especially when it comes to business and especially when it comes to responding to a client request, whether that client's request is overt or implied. This is Ray Hightower, be well.


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