Real ID Is Bullspit.

2 months ago

Passports & "Real ID".....What is the LAW vs Legal?
Is this the New World Order? You bet.

There is no law nor obligation that one must obtain a state driver's license, and the REAL ID only refers to an upgraded DRIVER'S LICENSES.

It does not mean that you cannot board a flight unless you have one.

Slavery was outlawed by the 13th Amendment.

A state driver's license is the most vicious awful TRAP and LEASH anyone seeking freedom can fall for.

I IMPLORE you to become educated about this MECHANISM the so called government uses to make you a slave to their rules, codes, and statutes, that don't apply to you in the first place.

I IMPLORE you to surrender and purge yours by learning exactly what this MECHANISM has done.

Do not get your children into this commercialized trap.

Commercialized persons have no rights.

The state believes that YOU understood that when you applied for a driver's license that you understood the following:

1. That it's a unilateral contract.
Did you know that?

2. That you operate a motor vehicle in commerce.
Do you do that? Most of you do not.

You purchased an automobile and it only BECAME a "motor vehicle" by the dealership forcing you to register it, or you making that decision on your own because society has been conditioned to believe "must register your auto" to be on the public roads.

The Supreme Court has well covered your RIGHT TO TRAVEL.

What is commerce?

It means you are paid to transport goods or are a service as a "driver".

Do you do that?

If yes, you are required to have a license.
If no, then you are NOT REQUIRED to have a license.

I do not have a license.
I do not register my automobile.
I do not have a state plate.

So without a license, and without the REAL ID, how will you board a plane?

We supply and use what we call a "Foreign National ID".

We are "foreign" to the state corporations and especially the UNITED STATES of Washington DC nonsense.

Our Foreign National ID has been used to pass TSA, and even used to obtain a non-US citizen passport via the Department Of Homeland Security.

Why can we use a non government issued ID?

By International Law, the right to travel is a basic human right, enforceable by Treaty: 1949 Geneva Convention on Road Traffic.

All law enforcement agents need to learn that as such, we are not under their jurisdiction....


Therefore we are not obligated by the rules, codes, statutes, ordinances, and regulations because as per the Supreme Court, we have "PRIVATE RIGHTS".

Failure for the LEO to respect this is a violation of human rights.

Now, will officers be uneducated jerks?

But when we all stand they fall.

They made the driver's license the norm.
WE THE PEOPLE can make not having one the norm.

I always win against the civil servants.🥳
Always because I know how to exercise my PRIVATE RIGHTS.

People ask me to prove that by giving them a court case.
I don't go to court!

I return their nonsense stating they are violating my private rights.

I have no obligation to attend a corporation's administrative court. 🤣

The Supreme Court in Jarkesy (2024) reaffirmed that actions involving private rights, such as common-law fraud, must be heard by an Article III court: "Congress cannot 'conjure away the Seventh Amendment by mandating that traditional legal claims be... taken to an administrative tribunal." SEC v. Jarkesy, 603 U.S. (2024)
Only men and women have private rights.

The Supreme Court speaks matter of factly.

It’s not common in our society to use the term "matters of private rights" but that's what the Bill of Rights is.

It's time for you to learn what they are.

Will you stand up for yourself or bend over for them?
Take the time to watch this video today.
It's worth it!

PS. Scott is a Law School Grad who chose not to join the BAR because the BAR cannot and does not have ANYTHING to do with private rights of common law.

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