Hoping in Israel’s Salvation | Romans 10 :1-4

3 months ago

What happened to Israel? They rejected the Messiah and for this reason, they were accursed. This rejection of the Messiah can be explained or understood from two different perspectives, yet are connected or parallel with one another such that we might say that Israel rejected Christ, a sin for which they are held liable because they were rejected by God. Their rejection of Christ, as a matter of their own wills and actions, happened as a result of God's willingness to show His wrath to those who, though belonging to the family or visible body, were nonetheless not of the true household of faith, the true family for whom Christ came to give His life and redeem. Not all of Israel was Israel, not all who passed through the Sea made it to the promised land. Not all who are named as members of the visible church are of the elect. Who decides, God decides, and yet man is held accountable for what he does with the offer of salvation, whether he, by faith, rests in Christ, or seeks salvation another way. That the Jews have historically and to this day deny Jesus to be the Messiah explains why they live the way they do, and why they remain an enemy of the Church and are to be confronted with their idolatry and called to believe upon Christ that they might be saved.

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