“The Ministry of the Spirit” (2 Corinthians 3)

1 month ago

⛅ Good morning everyone! ⛅

“The Ministry of the Spirit” (2 Corinthians 3):

Exploring Second Corinthians and Ministry: 0:00
A minister, Jared, led a discussion on Second Corinthians, Chapter 3. He emphasized Paul's letter of recommendation, the life-giving Spirit, Paul's ministry, the glory of God, and Paul's relationship with God. He highlighted that Paul didn't need letters of accommodation, as the Corinthians had experienced the fruit of his ministry, which was more valuable than any written epistle. He compared the old covenant, written on tablets of stone, to the new covenant on tablets of the heart. He also addressed outsiders questioning Paul's authenticity, asserting that he ministered to Christ through the Spirit of God.

Christian Ministry and God's Glory: 5:16
Jared discussed the significance of Christian ministry, emphasizing the importance of trust in Christ and God. He cited passages from the Bible, including 2 Corinthians 4:4-6 and 3:7-11, to illustrate the hope and glory that Christian ministry can bring. He highlighted that human power is unimportant for ministry or salvation and that Christian ministers must depend on God in the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. He also compared the glory of the old covenant, which was passing away, to the glory of the new covenant, which is much more glorious.

New vs. Old Covenants Discussed: 9:16
Jared discussed the differences between the old and new covenants. He emphasized that the old covenant was external, temporary, and powerless, while the new covenant was internal, powerful, and fully present. He highlighted that Christians have bold access to God, with no veil to separate them, and that the new covenant is more glorious. He also mentioned that the veil remains unlifted in the reading of the Old Testament, but when one turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. He concluded by stating that the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty, and believers are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory.

Exploring the Biblical Title "Lord: 12:33
Jared discussed the concept of the title "Lord" in the New Testament, emphasizing that it often refers to the son, Jesus Christ. He provided various biblical references to support this, including verses from Matthew, Luke, Acts, and Revelation. Jared highlighted instances where Jesus referred to God as "father, Lord of heaven and earth" and how the title "Lord" was used in different contexts throughout the New Testament.

Interpreting "Lord" in the New Testament: 15:14
Jared discussed the interpretation of the term "Lord" in the New Testament, particularly about the Holy Spirit. He clarified that while there may be differences in opinion about which divine person the term refers to, orthodox interpreters agree that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are distinct but not confused. Jared emphasized that the Holy Spirit is a divine person, not an impersonal force and that the term "Lord" describes how God reigns in the world, not the internal relationship of the Trinity. He also highlighted the transformation of the old covenant understanding of one God, the Lord, into the new covenant revelation of one God in three persons, each of whom is the Lord. Finally, Jared noted that the work of the Holy Spirit brings liberty, freeing us to behold God.

The Image of God and Holy Spirit: 17:59
Jared discussed the concept of the image of God and the role of the Holy Spirit in this context. He referenced various biblical passages, including 2 Corinthians, 1 Corinthians, and James, to emphasize the importance of the Holy Spirit in bringing liberty and allowing us to behold God. He also touched on the idea of deified humanity and the power of the Spirit to transform us into the image of God. Jared concluded by stating that as we behold God, we become what we were created to be and that our understanding and transformation into God's likeness have no limits.

Exploring Second Corinthians Chapter 3: 20:47
Jared led a discussion on the content of Chapter 3 in Second Corinthians, focusing on Paul's faithfulness to the Gospel and the power of an apostle. He emphasized the importance of understanding the chapter's message and encouraged further study. The conversation ended with a prayer and a blessing for all participants. The next day's discussion will focus on Chapter 4, continuing the exploration of Second Corinthians.

In Christ, love ❤️ Jared W Campbell

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