Cheesecakes to Ship | Are You Looking for Reviews of

2 months ago

Beloved Cheesecakes belongs to God. I am his Beloved and He is mine. He is the one that wanted Beloved Cheesecakes. My name is Jen. I came out of a domestic violence marriage in 2014 with three boys in tow. In the winter of 2015, I was on a food share program. I received a flat of blackberries. I didn’t know what to do with so many berries so I decided to make a blackberry cheesecake for my son’s teachers for Christmas. Little did I know from that gesture that would launch me on a journey of making cheesecakes as a side hustle for income to provide for my sons and myself being a single mom. It became something much more than I ever anticipated. Friends, family, my kids, teachers, everyone raved about them. They all kept telling me to open my own business. I wanted nothing to do with that.
My desire was to be a social worker. I graduated Portland State University Magna Cum Laude in 2018 with my bachelors in Social Work. My internship was in criminal justice. I tried to get into the field after I graduated but doors did not open. Doors started opening for Beloved Cheesecakes. People started requesting custom cheesecakes. People who I never thought were requesting them…dentists, businesses, schools. By word of mouth I became the cheesecake lady. Then the idea of opening a brick and mortar shop started to become a reality. On a whim I found a space downtown Silverton and inquired about it. Shortly, a Kickstarter was started for me. Everyone in the community got behind me and supported me and fundraised. I had friends and friends of friends across the nation get behind me and supported me. The appliances and everything that I needed for the shop started to fall in my lap.

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