Agenda 2030 | How It All Started | New People Are Coming To Alternative Media Looking For Answers

2 months ago

It’s all been about a World Domination, Agenda 21, Agenda 2020, Agenda 2030.

Coupled with Communism and NAZISM to finally make everyone comply with the Environmental Trap and the Pandemic after New Strain after New Strain of Vaccines to combat a plague that does not exist.

The plague is in cure.
A great delusion is thrown over the people.
2 Thessalonians 2:9-11
Fortunately for us, we began to awaken from a deep dream. Like Dorthy and her hapless friends who fell asleep in the patch opium.

Some one had to awaken them. In the movie, The Wizard of Oz, it was Glinda the Good Witch.

In reality, it was Q , and the alternative media for us. For me, I began to see the Book of Revelation play out in front of me.

For you, it maybe a totally different track. That’s okay, you’re here now.

If you’re new to alternative media, don’t agree or disagree with what you are seeing or hearing.
Just take it all in until you can see the bigger picture.

It all started a 1,000 years ago, but this is a good place to start.

New World Order

What A Load Of Shite
Agenda 2030


Appreciate Y’all

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