Secrets 7

3 months ago

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Jesus Christ, Yahushuah Ha’Mashiak, is Lord. Jesus Christ is come in the flesh.
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Alan Lewis Silva is the minister of Sdbiblestudy Church. He is a California author of seven books, including Two Essene Gospels (2023), Early Christianity Unveiled (2022), and Keys to the Hebrew Alphabet and Numbers (2021), and many songs. Sdbiblestudy Church is a Christian Bible study church Alan Lewis Silva began in 2016 ( Alan Lewis Silva has published hundreds of educational and creative videos on Youtube, Rumble ( and Odysee ( with books available for purchase at and elsewhere.


This Texe Marrs Christian Library series of videos honors the ministry of Texe Marrs.


Voices From the Dead: The Dark Rituals and Hidden Worship of the Masonic Lodge ~ by Texe Marrs ~ $9.99

The candidate is solemnly led into the darkened room. It is hung with black tapestry. A sepulchral lamp is suspended from the vaulted ceiling. In the middle is a mausoleum above which is a coffin. In the coffin lies a knight, wrapped in a white shroud, his face veiled. On the platform of the mausoleum are three skulls... Suddenly, from the coffin a frightening voice is heard, “Thou who comes hither to disturb my rest fear my wrath. What is thy wish?”

The fearful candidate quickly sees this is not a Christian service. But, what is it? He will soon understand the many exhibitions of grotesque black magic, the foul sorcery, and the solemn oath he must take that will forever bind him to evil and to the underworld. He is fated to become a 30 degree Knight Kadosh of the Masonic Lodge. He is told he cannot turn back.

Here, in the pages of this extraordinary book, you will discover the hidden secrets of Freemasonry. They are wrapped up in the sinister 30th Degree. The Masonic candidate will there meet Rabbi Bar Yochai, the long dead but suddenly alive man in the coffin. He will take four solemn oaths and he will be damned for doing so. His faith shall henceforth be the Mystery religion of Freemasonry. His guide shall be the Jewish Kabbalah. His destiny will be everlasting hell.

Blood Covenant With Destiny—The Babylonian Talmud, the Jewish Kabbalah, and the Power of Prophecy ~ by Texe Marrs ~ $9.99

This is the first book to explain the nation of Israel, the Jews, and Judaism, and their relationship to Bible Prophecy and to the end of the world. The Holy Bible tells us very clearly what will be the prophetic destiny of the Jews. Jesus Christ Himself prophesied, and we also have the powerful prophecies of Moses, Elijah, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Daniel, and the Apostles.

Regrettably, today’s Christian teachers do not wish to offend the Jews, and so they prophesy only lies, or else they remain silent. Many are simply ignorant.

What a tragedy! We must not lie merely to please the Jews. Our voices must ring our with clarity and precision. The Jews and Israel must be informed of the dangers inherent in their unfortunate Blood Covenant with Destiny. The night is fast advancing, and we are the Watchmen. We must speak before it is too late.

You will discover in these pages the astonishing word of prophetic truth regarding Israel, the Jews, and Judaism. It is the Power of Prophecy, and it far out rivals the traditions of men found in the Babylonian Talmud and in the Jewish Kabbalah.

Hell’s Mirror ~ by Texe Marrs ~ $9.99

“They don’t think like you do.”

Hell’s Mirror is the first book to unravel the warped and perverted minds of the Illuminati Elite. These wicked and diabolical men and women are doubleminded, and they are building a strange two–faced globalist empire right before our eyes.

Here you will discover the inner secrets of these “Builders.” You will actually see their astonishing architectural creations and understand how their sinister projects—dark buildings, monuments, statues, and parks—are all part of Satan’s endtime system.

You will be shocked to find out about the “obituary cult,” an exclusive, underground group of super-rich charlatans and necromaniacs bent on destroying the Old World and replacing it with almost a carbon copy of Hell’s Kingdom.

Throughout human history, these notorious gangsters have organized secret societies based on their worship of Lucifer and their demonic-inspired ideas. Today, their globalist empire is almost at its zenith. Soon, they will be given the magic word by their Master, Lucifer, and the earth will be swept up instantly into a dramatic, human-killing bordello of death, sex, and consummate evil.

Discover now, in these pages, how they view your life and mine as unworthy of their grandeur. The scary conclusion is that the Illuminati Elite are not truly human. They don’t think like you do.


Many more books are available.


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