OH HAPPY DAYS! Liberal White Women That No One Wants To Bang Are Getting Sterilized Because Of Trump

3 months ago

Posted • December 3, 2024: 'The Election Tied My Hands, So I'm Gonna Tie My Tubes' — It's already December 3, and as we enter the waning days of 2024, I can't help but think about how -- as I get older -- time seems to go fast. When I look back on 2024 and all the things that happened (both good and awful), it seems like I blinked and we went from January to July to Thanksgiving. The point is, while some of the days may be long, the years are not and before we know it, we'll be reliving the presidential election cycle in 2028. Which is why stories like this give me pause: These women are getting sterilized — and blaming Trump for their decision: ‘Election tied my hands’ - These women are getting elective surgical procedures to render themselves infertile — all because Donald Trump won the election. The women, who are speaking proudly about their decision, say it’s because they fear a reproductive rights crackdown under a second Trump administration.

Newsweek recently spoke to multiple women, including an OnlyFans model, who said they were turning to invasive, irreversible medical procedures to ensure their reproductive freedom remains untrodden upon. The irony of having an invasive, irreversible medical procedure to -- *checks notes* -- preserve their reproductive freedom is not lost on me. This is the direct outcome of the Trump Derangement Syndrome the media have inflicted on the public. When you tell people Donald Trump is literally Hitler who will enact the nefarious 'Project 2025' to turn American into Gilead, where women are little more than walking incubators, what do you expect? This is what you should expect. The problem is: we have midterms in two years and another presidential election in four. That may seem like a lifetime, but it'll be here before we know it.

I remember the night Barack Obama won in 2008. It was a disappointment and I knew he was going to be a disastrous president. He's not nearly as bad as Biden, but we're still living with the rotten fruits of his eight years. You know what never, ever crossed my mind? Getting my tubes tied so I wouldn't have more children. My eldest was about 18 months old in November, 2008. My middle son was born in August of the following year. There isn't a world in which I imagine myself as better off without them, or that my politics should be so invasive in my life it leads me to permanently removing myself from the gene pool. And now here we are, 16 years later, and it feels like it happened in a heartbeat. The media lied to these women. It lied and told them they wouldn't be able to get abortions or birth control and it drove them to sterilize themselves.

The sad part is, preventing pregnancy isn't hard. There are myriad options that are safe, effective, and not permanent. Condoms are cheap, easily obtainable, and sold over the counter. Just like some birth control and Plan B. There is no way any of those things would be banned under a Trump administration. But you can't let logic and reason stand in the way of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Once you decide to sterilize yourself, however, it's game over. Maybe some of these women will never want children. I'd bet you a cup of coffee that at least half of them change their minds down the road. They meet someone and want to start a family, but can't. Because they had their tubes tied to stick it to Donald Trump. What a bitter pill to swallow. This isn't like the tattoo you get in college to tick off your parents. It can't be undone. And who will they blame when the horrific realization they did something so rash for the stupidest of reasons - politics - hits them? Donald Trump, of course.

But where will Donald Trump be when that happens? Gone. Gone from politics and their lives and they'll be left holding the bag for the choices they made today. Where will the media who drove them to such hysterics be? They've already moved on from the 'Trump is Hitler!' hysteria, and won't give these women a second glance. Four years may seem like a lifetime, but it's not. Sterilizing yourself to own the cons, however, is permanent.

• More at: New York Post - These women, including an OnlyFans model, are getting sterilized — and blaming Trump for their decision: ‘Election tied my hands’

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