2 months ago

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What is the Christ Consciousness Code?

It's the state of consciousness in which a person achieves self-realization and unity with God or the Divine. It can also be used synonymously with the yogic and Hindu concept of samadhi, or profound spiritual happiness.
Although the Christ Consciousness Code is not solely intended to relate to the personality of Jesus Christ, it combines Christian language with Eastern religious and philosophical concepts.

And how does it work?

I've read that all you need to do is access the program and listen to it daily to gain access to a life of joy, fulfillment, prosperity, and wealth like never before.

Another piece of information I sought to understand is whether it works even if you don't regularly attend church, and the answer is yes. If you have a set of headphones, the Christ Consciousness Code will work for you! Even if you've never considered yourself religious a day in your life.
Regarding the guarantee period, I was extremely surprised because it's 365 days, which means you'll have a full year to use the program and see the results.

By making your purchase today, you'll receive 3 bonuses completely free:

FREE Bonus #1: Sleeping Angels soundtrack
FREE Bonus #2: Blessed Morning Prayer
FREE Bonus #3: Divine Prayer Kit

⏩ Official Website:

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