The RoadBreach Drama is a complete mess

3 months ago

This is a crazy topic to cover, especially since, at this point, he is digging himself halfway to Cybertron's core to this point and let's be real. I have posted content occasionally here and there depending on some stuff. I have shared art as well but not as much as videos.

When I started to watch content that relates to his downfall I did unsubscribe from him since I gave him a sub on the Griffin Gaming situation.
I will not stoop to Scythe's level on accusing people of pedos. I will admit that I made a terrible reply on my part in the comments section. I personally think that DegenBreach needs to repair himself without going rager ticker within the commentary community.

Background audio:

Moment of sanity: ,
DoctorDragian: ,
Koopakin: ,
Psychonautic Therapy: ,
XLukaz: ,
and Netherless: and

The songs I used in the intro, during my commentary sections, and my 1v1 edit of those 3 songs belong to The Automatic singer:
1.ShockWave- Cruel Logic 2.Tarn- Zealous Justice and 3. DeadSpace Issac Clark- Nicole 4. Megatron: Transform and horns up and 5. Dark Angels: Lion's wrath

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