py acu spa | masefudogg tao te ching 53 tai chi 108 and acupuncture st25

3 months ago

py acu spa | masefudogg tao te ching 53 tai chi 108 and st25

here is mason's (masefudogg's) daily ritual of reading philosophy, meditating and studying over what he loves, acupuncture (traditional eastern medicine).

feel free to comment and ask about whatever you want. descriptions of each practice are below

@py_acu_spa | Rocky YanSong Shen
Licensed Acupuncturist & Herbalist
2150 E. South St. #108 Long Beach, CA 90805

@masefudogg | traditional east medicine student
(All posts are for educational purposes only)
-sarcoma DSRCT cancer warrior
-tai chi/qigong & taoist student
-contact me via my website in profile bio link

Tao te Ching ch. 53 philosophy
@masefudogg | Stephen Mitchell | Lao Tzu
#taoism #philosophy #taoteching

The great Way is easy,
yet people prefer the side paths.
I 使我 介然有知
Be aware when things are out of balance.
行于大道,唯施 是畏。
Stay centered within the Tao.
When rich speculators prosper
While farmers lose their land;
而人 好径
when government officials spend money
on weapons instead of cures;
when the upper class is extravagant and irresponsible
while the poor have nowhere to turn-
all this is robbery and chaos.
It is not in keeping with the Tao.

Taichi 108 @dharmahealthinstitute
#taichi #qigong #taiji #qigongpractice
student: @masefudogg (mason)

Master: Master Zi @dharmahealthinstitute
143 Culver Blvd, Playa Del Rey, Ca 90403
Email (Best way to reach us):

All classes taught at Dharma are presented in a classical seminar format that allows participants a unique opportunity to develop their practical knowledge, skill, and ability to reach the highest level of practice they wish. Our Qigong is Ironshirt & our Tai Chi is a traditional Yang Family style with a distinct martial and medicinal structure that is rooted in Taoist philosophy.

Classes are open for all levels of practice. If you are just beginning your Tai Chi/Qigong journey, we suggest attending.

ST-25 Tianshu Heaven's Pivot 天樞
#acupuncture #acupuncturepoints #acupressure @masefudogg

DM @py_acu_spa
-Rocky (Yansong) is professionally trained in traditional eastern medicine and knows how to help you more compared to someone who hasn’t gotten a degree for this kind of stuff and is licensed in safe and effective needling techniques. You can choose to have a needling-only, or add needling on to your therapeutic treatment.

The single most important point for the treatment of the widest variety of intestinal disorders. Due to its ability to regulate the Spleen and transform dampness, its forte is in the treatment of diarrhoea;

-On the abdomen, 2 cun lateral to the umbilicus.
-Perpendicular insertion 1 to 1.5 cun;

* Regulates the intestines
* Diarrhoea, Spleen-diarrhoea,
* persistent diarrhoea with undigested food (in the stool),
* dysenteric disorder, borborygmus,
* constipation.
* swelling of the face,
* turbid painful urinary dysfunction.
* Vomiting, retching, difficult ingestion,
* poor appetite, sudden turmoil disorder.
* Abdominal pain
* severe cutting periumbilical pain,
* umbilical shan disorder with localised pain that periodically surges up to the Heart
* running piglet qi.
* Abdominal (zheng jia) masses in women, pain of the uterus,
* dysmenorrhoea, irregular menstruation, infertility,
* red and white leucorrhoea.
* Cold shivering from malaria,
* severe heat with manic raving.

Tiänshü ST-25 also has an important action on regulating qi and eliminating stagnation in the lower abdomen. It is indicated for a wide range of problems including distention and pain of the abdomen, intestinal abscess, shan disorder, severe cutting periumbilical pain etc., as well as the treatment of menstrual disorders and abdominal or uterine masses due to stasis of either qi or blood.

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