Play is What They Do

3 months ago

Have recently observed young children probably 3 and under in an event called Toddler Town where the children gathered to play with toys. I have often watched children play, it is a real joy to see how they just inately know how and and naturally want to do it. The mothers and sometimes fathers are there, so there are boundaries and safety precautions, but they never seemingly have to tell their children how to play. They all seemingly know what they want to do. It is a miracle, it is what children do. They play because they play, however they do gain much self knowledge and positive development.
It seems many parents though think that play becomes a waste of time as the children grow older, but our design made by God stays with us throughout our life. It seems that parents often think their children have to be molded because they are inferior as they are, however, it seems that parents should cooperate with the true design of their children. Yes, parents must teach responsibility that goes along with life, but people thrive when they are encouraged to be themselves, basically who they are as children.
Why do young people take drugs? Peer pressure is a reason, but attempting to be who they are not causes much stress and they turn to drugs for perceived relief. Staying true to design is a must for a happy life.

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