A Christmas Story Chapter 2: The Cosmic Blueprint and Sacred Codes

3 months ago

A Christmas Story Chapter 2: The Cosmic Blueprint and Sacred Codes

Dive deep into the mystical and cosmic narrative of Jesheua-twelve and the Indigo Souls in this enlightening video! Discover the significance of Jesheua-twelve, a luminous soul embodying the D-twelve Maharata Christos Liquid Light Template, and his mission to activate Earth's planetary shields using High Veca Codes. Uncover the mysteries of Indigo soul-braided walk-ins, their role as cosmic paramedics, and their connection to Jesheua-twelve in realigning our planet's energy grids. Explore the twelve-twelve activation sites, the galactic betrayals, and the sacred artifacts like Excalibur. Join us on a journey to understand your soul's purpose and the larger cosmic narrative at play.

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#JesheuaTwelve #IndigoSouls #HighVecaCodes #CosmicNarrative #SoulBraiding #ChristosRealignment #PlanetaryAwakening


00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:24 Previously on Our Galactic Saga
00:01:08 A Starseed’s Divine Mission
00:02:04 More Than Meets the Eye
00:02:52 The Cosmic Mechanics Behind the Mission
00:03:41 A Cosmic Question for You, Darling
00:04:00 Wrapping It Up with a Celestial Bow
00:04:33 Sneak Peek into the Next Galactic Chapter

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