They Are Here | Horror Alien Abduction On Farm At Grayswood Farm

3 months ago

New PC Horror Gameplay. They Are Here, First-person horror story about a journalist who witnessed an alien abduction at the Grayswood farm. Explore the area armed with a flashlight. Take photos of evidence of aliens presence and get to the bottom of the horrifying truth.

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â–ºAbout the Game
Unexplained phenomena occurred at Grayswood Farm. On the night of August 7th, the Sherman family witnessed bright lights in the sky that moved at a breakneck speed over the cornfield. The lights moved in a random direction and at different speeds, after a while they vanished. This strange behaviour in the sky was observed at night, at the same time, for 5 days. According to the owner of the farm, all the animals went crazy, the dog became aggressive, tried to attack him and bit him. Children complained that someone was walking under their windows. Farmer Peter Sherman himself, in the field, saw a strange figure that did not look like a man. What is it? Deliberate deception? Drawing attention to oneself? Or a sensation about an alien invasion? Journalist Taylor Fox travels to Grayswood Farm to make a photo report for a local newspaper.

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Classic Horror 3 by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.

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