Steve Bannon Slams Ellen DeGeneres Over UK Move

8 days ago

In a dramatic clash, Steve Bannon has slammed Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi for moving to the Cotswolds after fleeing the U.S. election. The two stars, living in a luxury estate, are accused of “whining” by the former White House strategist. Find out all the details of their new life in the UK and why Bannon is so upset with their decision to emigrate. This is a must-watch for anyone following the latest celebrity and political news!

#EllenDeGeneres #SteveBannon #Cotswolds #PortiaDeRossi #Mansion #CelebrityDrama #Flooding #LuxuryHomes #CotswoldLife #PoliticalClash #CelebrityLifestyle #TrumpAlly #BannonPodcast #LuxuryLiving #CelebrityFeud #USPolitics
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