Ascension Voices - Miracles In Motion

3 months ago

"Miracles in Motion" takes you on an inspiring journey through the powerful acts of Jesus Christ, from calming the stormy seas to raising the dead and healing the broken. This uplifting song celebrates His love, compassion, and divine power that continues to inspire hearts today. Perfect for anyone seeking hope, faith, and a reminder of the miracles all around us. 🙌✨ #Faith #MiraclesInMotion #JesusSaves #Inspiration #Hope #WorshipMusic

Verse 1:
At the wedding feast in Cana, He turned water into wine,
A sign of His glory, a love so divine.
He healed the centurion's servant with just a spoken word,
Power so gentle, His voice is always heard.

He walks on water, calms the sea,
Feeds the hungry, sets hearts free.
Raises the dead, gives sight to the blind,
Jesus' miracles, love redefined.

Verse 2:
On the stormy sea, His command made it still,
With just one touch, He cures every ill.
A widow's son He raised from the grave,
Compassionate Savior, mighty to save.

He walks on water, calms the sea,
Feeds the hungry, sets hearts free.
Raises the dead, gives sight to the blind,
Jesus' miracles, love redefined.

He fed the thousands with fish and bread,
Called Lazarus forth, alive from the dead.
Touched the untouchable, lepers made whole,
Restoring the body, redeeming the soul.

He walks on water, calms the sea,
Feeds the hungry, sets hearts free.
Raises the dead, gives sight to the blind,
Jesus' miracles, love redefined.

Every step He walked, His love shone true,
Miracles proclaim, He makes all things new.
He’s the Savior, the Healer, the Lord divine,
Forever and always, His glory will shine.

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