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March 21/ 2023
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Post: December 2/ 2024
December 2/ 2024
White Hats Military Arrest Ex Vice President Mike Pence👩‍🚀🤵‍♂️🚨👨‍🚀
Traitor and former Vice President Michael Pence now lives at JAG’s menagerie of Deep State villains awaiting military tribunals at Guantanamo Bay, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.
Pence, the source said, received his comeuppance Thanksgiving night when US Marines arrested him for treason as he left a “male friend’s” home in Colombus, Indiana, following what appeared to be an intimate Thanksgiving banquet.
Real Raw News began reporting on the military’s pursuit of Pence in March 2021, after Pence, having betrayed President Trump and the Constitution, went into hiding upon learning that the Staff Judge Advocate had issued a warrant for his arrest. Special Forces had tracked Pence to a cabin in rural Indiana, but as they closed on their quarry, a crafty Pence escaped via a secret door on the floor that opened into a sprawling tunnel and fled the area on an ATV. Special Forces again encountered Pence in May 2021, finding him and a young Asian male sharing a hotel bed in Richmond, Virginia. Cornered, Pence’s associate pulled out a pistol and opened fire, his shots missing their mark but prompting Special Forces to retaliate. The Asian was killed, and Pence was grievously wounded in the exchange. He reportedly recovered from his wounds at Walter Reed Hospital and told JAG investigators the Deep State had threatened to murder him and his family if he didn’t obey their directive—certify the electoral votes for Joseph Biden. At the time, sources told RRN that President Trump, a merciful man known for offering second chances, agreed to show leniency if Pence named his co-conspirators and wore an ankle monitor while JAG worked to verify his questionable tale.
But months later, nearing his hospital release date, Pence, ostensibly with Deep State aid, slipped the ankle bracelet and vanished from the hospital, only to reemerge on the political landscape in February 2022 beside Deep Staters and RINOs who availed themselves of every media opportunity to vociferously denounce Trump as an insurrectionist.
That month, JAG amended its indictment on Pence, adding pedophilia charges, and reissued a warrant for his capture. However, Pence had throngs of Deep State protection—FBI, Secret Service, and deputy US Marshals—and White Hats opted to bide their time rather than risk an operation that could’ve caused collateral damage and the needless loss of friendly forces.
Over time, Pence’s security dwindled. Fifty agents became 30; later, that 30 became a dozen. By mid-2024, only four Secret Service agents shadowed Pence’s movements. And by September, there were only two.
It’s unclear whether Pence felt cloistered or if the Deep State had relegated him to insignificance; the Deep State customarily gradually lessened the security of other so-called luminaries for whom White Hats had patiently awaited opportunities to grab without generating a public ruckus.
Equally unclear is why White Hats didn’t nab Pence between September and Thursday, for, according to sources, they knew his whereabouts.
Nonetheless, karma caught up with Pence at approximately 11:00 p.m. last Thursday. Marines had staked out the residence at which Pence, a closeted homosexual, and his liaison were dining and kept eyes on the pair of Secret Service agents guarding the front door. Our source said the Marines had to decide on the spot whether to eliminate the agents or offer them a chance to get on the right side of justice.
The Marines surprised and disarmed the agents, subduing them before they could key their microphones and alert Pence to the danger. Faced with the ultimatum of either being shot as traitors or luring Pence outside, the pragmatic agents, pistols aimed at their heads, radioed Pence and said he had to depart the premises immediately. When the sodomite stepped outside, the Marines knocked him unconscious and also cuffed the agents prior to shoving the trio into the rear of a nearby van.
The next day, our source said, Pence was on a flight to GITMO.
Asked what fate will befall the agents, our source said, “Undecided at this time,” and of Pence’s male friend, “He’s a nobody. Just a 30-something guy that was schloging Pence, or vise versa. He’s not our concern. I do hope Pence had a bountiful Thanksgiving dinner; it’s the last he’ll ever have.”
December 1/ 2024
Red Hats Veterans Slay William Rothschild⛑️🔥🎩🌳🏚️🌲🔥⛑️
Colonel Kurtz’s Red Hats are crediting themselves with the death of 87-year-old William Rothschild, a prominent member of the massive Jewish bankster family whose crispy corpse was found by first responders at a Los Angeles home that caught fire Wednesday afternoon.
At 4:30 Wednesday, fire crews responding to the blaze pulled the charred remains of an elderly man from the 825-square-foot woodsy home that lacked the garish opulence of typical Rothschild residences. Although authorities have yet to comment on the cause of the inferno that took 45 firefighters 35 minutes to extinguish, a source in Gen. Smith’s office told Real Raw News that Red Hats doused the house in kerosine and set it afire after “beating the shit out of” Rothschild as he lay in bed.
Our source said Kurtz neither notified nor sought consent from White Hats prior to the killing, but “proudly accepted” responsibility when the inferno became a matter of public record.
“I didn’t take this action because William Rothschild was a greedy Jew. We took matters into our hands because the man was a lifelong pedophile who’d been molesting kids with impunity for half a century,” Kurtz purportedly told Gen. Smith.
Per our source, six unassuming Red Hats arrived in Los Angeles Wednesday morning and had copious amounts of kerosine and blueprints of the Laural Canyon home and yard in their possession. Having peered in windows and seen Rothschild snoozing in bed, they circumvented a pedestrian alarm system and crept inside the house. The Red Hats then roused Rothschild, told him, “Happy Thanksgiving, you sick bastard,” and then pummeled his frail body with their bare hands until he fell unconscious. Then they immobilized him, strapping him to the bed and dumping kerosene on his face and torso. Gallons of the accelerant, our source said, covered the floors and walls.
“Then they lit the match, and now there’s one less Rothschild around,” our source said.
Kurtz told Gen. Smith he’d share evidence of William Rothschild’s predilection for torturing and molesting children after the holiday weekend.
“What little we know right now—Rothschild, despite his age, was using that hideaway to have kids brought to him. That’s why the place was tucked away in a wooded area. Kurtz has said this pedophile thing extends across the entire Rothschild family.”

October 21/ 2024
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