Mercury One is still on the ground in N.C. with relief efforts.

1 month ago

Mercury One - This is just some of the life change you made possible when Glenn Beck joined our team in North Carolina right after Hurricane Helene hit. We were on the ground then and we are still on the ground now. We will be here for the long haul and make sure the people of North Carolina are taken care of.
We are able to respond in a moment’s notice when a disaster hits because of our Maximum Impact Fund – the fund we are raising money for this Giving Tuesday.
When you give to the Maximum Impact Fund, you allow us to be on the ground first and your donation during a crisis to go 100% downrange (if you cover credit card fees).This work is made possible on days like tomorrow.
It is our goal to have the largest Giving Tuesday ever. Our efforts need it. To help us reach our goal, prayerfully consider making a special Giving Tuesday gift:

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