Veterans Day - God’s Mercy

3 months ago

Today we celebrate Veterans Day, observed annually on November 11th, which honors all U.S. military veterans for their service to the country. Its origins trace back to the end of World War I, often called "The Great War." On November 11, 1918, at 11 a.m., the armistice ending World War I went into effect. This date and time symbolized the conclusion of hostilities and became known as Armistice Day. It was later renamed Veterans Day to acknowledge veterans of all wars.

We also reflect today on the mercy of God. It is around us every day and He gives us chance after chance to show that we are a people who will follow after Him. If America would turn back to the Lord, He promises that the land will be blessed. But as Christians, we can’t sit back and watch from the sidelines. More than ever, the Church needs to lead the charge for godly, biblical morality.

Biblical morality is a dividing line has caused splits within the Christian community. It’s the reason we have so many denominations of churches. Churches disagree on the authority of scripture, on gay marriage, and too many other issues to list here. The Bible warned that scoffers would come in 2 Peter. That is exactly what we are seeing in the modern church. 2 Peter also is a reminder that God judged the world once for crossing these lines with a flood and the next time, the judgement is going to be with fire. We can’t ignore that warning. Now, we have God’s mercy. We need to humbly seek it and not take it for granted.

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