Quantum Nutrition Made Simple

3 months ago

Heather and Vanessa discuss how to bring ease, clarity and simplicity around how you nourish your body. Learn how to implement a local, seasonal and ancestral nutrition plan that will have your hormones, metabolism, cellular energy and repair systems thriving!

Nourishing your body should be easy, and it gets to be easy!

If you’re ready to let go of diet culture, stop counting and tracking everything you put into your mouth, or going from one diet plan to the next then listen up!

Your energy levels, hormones and metabolism will thank you for properly nourishing yourself!

Grab Vanessa's Ancestrally & Seasonally Nourished Webinar & Recipe E-book https://brightlightwellnesscoach.com/ancestral-diet-webinar

Learn How to Thrive in Winter Webinar & e-book https://pay.brightlightwellnesscoach.com/winter

Find Heather:
Discount codes:
Viva Rays ➡️ Code: enlightenedmood.com for 10% off
Midwest Red Light Therapy ➡️ Code: enlightenedmood for 10% off
EMR-TEK ➡️ Code: HEATHER37030 for 20% off
Find Vanessa:
Discount codes:
https://midwestredlighttherapy.com/ ➡️ Code: Brightlightwellness
https://vivarays.com/ ➡️ Code: Brightlightwellness
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