►🚨▶⚡️ Ontario BEWARE: Replicon Technology WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT | Dr. Byram Bridle

3 months ago

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►🚨▶⚡️ Ontario BEWARE: Replicon Technology WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT | Dr. Byram Bridle
🔴 Extremely worrisome... Dr. Byram Bridle about self-amplifying RNA vaccines:
◾️"With this self-amplifying RNA vaccine that's been deployed against COVID, as of October 1st in Japan, and only Japan, and likely Japan, because they tend to be a compliant population, which I also think it's very important to note."

◾️"Thank goodness many Japanese have stood up and said, no way to this, including one of their big popular gyms that have said, Until you can assure us that we're safe to be around people who have received this technology, we don't want them coming to our gyms, right? Not that I want to be promoting reverse discrimination, but there's a scientific basis, there's a scientific concern here. There's multiple concern."

◾️"And like you said, if we put this into the broader context, what we're dealing with the current SARS-CoV-2, we're essentially dealing with a cold causing virus, right? We're dealing with a cold causing virus. That's it. Yes, like any cold causing virus, they're a high risk demographic."

◾️"We don't roll out a technology like this for something that is of such relative low risk. And the other thing that I just wanna get at, which is very important. We know shedding happens with this technology, with these technologies. We know it because it's been published."

◾️"We find fragments of the modified RNA from the Pfizer-Moderna shots getting into breast milk and being fed inadvertently to babies. So shedding happens. with a first generation technology, I suspect that most of the negative impact of shedding on people in the environment may be caused by other people having developed hypersensitivities to things like the spike protein."

◾️"So I'm not concerned about, like, so I do have concerns and it can cause harm, I do believe potentially to those around us. And I can't emphasize enough the research to definitely address the issue of shedding is relatively cheap and quick to do. So it should be done."

◾️"But that concern gets amplified dramatically when it comes to self-amplifying RNA technology, Sean. This is why the threshold dose that a cell needs to receive of this genetic material for this process that Dr. Rose has beautifully laid out, right? She's told everybody how it works."

◾️"In order for that process to be kick-started in a cell. It has been scientifically estimated to be as little as three of these genetic pieces of material. Now you think about the shedding."

◾️"If I am, I know this technology. I am not comfortable being around people who get this new self-amplifying RNA technology encapsulated lipid down a particle because I want people to definitively show me that I am not going to be inadvertently inoculated."

◾️"I'm not consented to that. It is not fair to do this to people and not provide them first of all with proper informed consent and then put others at risk of having their bodies modified by technology that they have not consented to. And I can't emphasize it so much."

◾️"I personally don't see how with the first generation technology somebody could get modified. I believe yes they could be exposed to things like the spike protein that might have a hypersensitivity to it. So they might have alterations in menstruation, they might have skin reactions, other things that people have been describing."

◾️"But in this case, all it takes is three copies of this RNA, perhaps as little as three copies of this RNA to get into one of my cells. And then that process is kickstarted. And there's no guarantee that one cell, because again, it's self-amplifying. There's no break. There's no break on that."

◾️"And so like you said, Jessica, I'm not even sure that if a cell runs out of its metabolic activity that this is restricted to a single cell. Right. Because often once those cells, once their metabolic activity starts getting depleted, they're going to start dying. And then we have the potential for release of this and to get into other cells. And again, right now it's all theoretical."

◾️"People will say these people are talking about theoretical possibilities. Yes, but until it's again, when you look at that, what if you think about the potential for this technology broadly rolled out and all of a sudden other people around them are inadvertently been vaccinated."

◾️"Because if you get this and it takes in yourselves and there's any potential for cell to cell spread, then this could actually spread through your body. And now you have been vaccinated unbeknownst to yourself and you've never consented to it. So I wanna highlight that as this is really where this technology is going."

◾️"And just so all of you realize, I found this frightening. You know, we're all trying to stay up on this science. So I think I'm up to date on all the science. I just found out, out of the blue, last week, I found out that there is a replicant vaccine technology manufactured, yeah, that has been deployed in Ontario. Dogs and cats."

◾️"Yeah, and dogs and cats. Yeah. A rabies vaccine based on this replicon technology. Now I have been able to look and it's not lipid nanoparticle. It turns out it's in a protein capsule. So I theoretically I would think that would have much less chance of this widespread system by distribution and therefore probably much less chance of shedding."

◾️"But they're not telling people. I know veterinarians who have just switched from the traditional rabies vaccine. to this new replicon vaccine without telling their clients. Their clients don't, they're not telling them that they're using this new technology. And my concern is, you know, this technology is being deployed without people consenting to it, without people knowing."

◾️"And then, you know, people are going to start getting comfortable. Oh, replicon. Oh, I know about the replicon. My dog got the replicon vaccine. I didn't see any issues. But then what happens is we take that core, the self-repl- amplifying core of the vaccine."

◾️"I'm like, Jessica said, what are we going to do on Ontario next? Are we then going to say, okay, look, we have evidence of safety of a replicon vaccine? What they said doesn't apply. But It's not the same thing because it's not an lipid nanoparticle, but they convince everybody. And then so what they do, they do they marry it to the lipid nanoparticle technology potentially."

◾️"And now all of a sudden we've got exactly what they've rolled out in Japan right here in Ontario. So it's happening people. It's happening. This is why we have to have these discussions. These technologies are advancing way, way too fast. And I agree with Dr. This comes down to the regulatory agencies and the corruption."

◾️"And to me, when I refer to deception, if you're not being transparent with the data, whether it's you're hiding behind patents or for whatever reason, you're not being transparent, you are being deceptive. Failure to be transparent is being deceptive."
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