Episode 2746: Christology Course: Word Made Flesh: Session 1 "The Longing for the Messiah"

3 months ago

Theme: Humanity’s Need for a Savior
This session explores our deep need for Christ, mirroring Israel’s anticipation of the Messiah. Advent is a time for spiritual preparation, inviting us to embrace longing, repentance, and hope as we await Christ’s coming.
Session Outline
1. Opening Prayer
“Grant, we beseech Thee, Almighty God, that the resolve of our will may be strengthened by Thy grace, so that we, who long for the coming of Christ, may attain the joy of eternal life.”
2. Scripture Reflection
o Isaiah 9:6-7: A prophecy of the coming King.
o Micah 5:2: Bethlehem, the birthplace of the Messiah.
3. Overview of Salvation History
o The Fall: Genesis 3:15 introduces the promise of redemption through Christ.
o Israel’s Anticipation: Prophets foretold the Messiah’s mission to bring justice, healing, and salvation (Isaiah 7:14, 61:1-2).
4. Advent as a Season of Longing and Penance
o Advent, like Lent, calls for repentance and preparation. Practices include:
 Prayer: Deepening our connection with God.
 Fasting: Simplifying life to focus on Christ.
 Almsgiving: Sharing with those in need.
o Gaudete Sunday highlights joy amidst waiting, reminding us of the hope in God’s promises.
5. Discussion Questions
o How can Advent help you cultivate a deeper longing for Christ?
o What lessons can we learn from Israel’s long wait for the Messiah?
6. Practical Application
o Light the first Advent candle (hope). Reflect on Christ as the Light of the World (John 8:12).
o Incorporate the Advent Wreath tradition at home or during personal prayer.
7. Closing Prayer
“Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly and do not delay. Open our hearts to receive You and fill us with Your light and peace.”
Advent reminds us to prepare our hearts for Christ’s coming through hope, penance, and joy. As we anticipate His Nativity and return, let us renew our commitment to live as His disciples, trusting in His promises.
Further Resources
• Daily Scripture readings
• Prayers from the O Antiphons
• Hymn: O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

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